Thread: Opposers Thread
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Old 08-12-2009, 10:09 AM   #51
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Originally Posted by caloway View Post
I figured 1 second for problem identification and reaction, 1 second to roll the boat, 1 sec to roll out of the skirt and a couple of seconds to come up and orient. And that doesn't even get you out of the way.

Let's be honest, though, a paddler-turned-swimmer isn't going to be able to get out of the way fast enough to matter.

Not sure about river paddling. My experience is primarily ocean off of southern Maine and Cape Ann. The middle of the lake is pretty comparable to cape and bay paddling.
Lets see here I understand where you come up with 5 secs.... and yep if you did each of those items independant of each other and serial this would be true..... but what the reality is, is that these things all happen kind of simutaneously..... Sure it might take a second to identify and react to the problem I will give you that one.... but while you rolling the boat, you are also undoing the skirt and poping out... so lets knock that down to say 1.5 secs..... now you have to surface and orient your self... once again these are happening simultaneously and I believe, if you where oriented when you rolled and popped oreintation should take long... so I think we can knock this donw to 1.25 secs.
so my math gives me 3.75 secs... now not everyone is as fast.... so 4 secs....

My point here is not to squable over 5 secs vs. 4 secs..... my point is this, to define how long something like this will take is not easy..... things happen in parallel.... not step by step.....

I kayak, if I was in my kayak and saw a boat comming towards, me and I didn;t seem to get there attention, yep I would take a breath roll, dave and swim under water as far as I could away from the situation.... I am not going to roll and come right back up to re-evaluate the situation until I am out of breath.......
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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