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lilyelgato 10-25-2014 11:13 PM

Any Winni ghost stories?
Do you have a winnipesaukee ghost story to share?

RLW 10-26-2014 05:30 AM lilyelgato, I was just browsing through the forum and noticed that you are fairly new to posting on the forum and glad you have joined us. Have fun and enjoy the Winni Forum while making many new friends.

A Happy Halloween to you and thanks for joining us here on the forum.:)

BroadHopper 10-26-2014 08:39 AM

Children camps
All the children camps around the lake has a campfire story or two. Ask the directors. Also there is an old book a believe of Lakes Region or NH stories. You may want to google for it. :)

Chickie 10-26-2014 10:17 AM

Hathaway House Spirit
There has been talk of ghostly appearances at the Hathaway House for decades. It is believed to be the spirit of Clarissa Clark, wife of Squire Samuel C. Clark who erected the house. Samuel died there in 1897 and Clarissa in 1901. A number of people attest to seeing an elderly woman in period dress roaming the house.

Now that it is being demolished and she is being evicted, so to speak, I wonder if she will place a curse on donuts and haunt the place into eternity. Or will she move on to the next world and never be seen again??

WooooWoooo, Thump, thump, Bump bump.

Slickcraft 10-26-2014 01:09 PM

Alton Town Hall
There is a ghost that "lives" in the clock tower:,6823959

I have been there alone at night and was spooked by the strange noises:eek:

LadyJane 10-26-2014 04:40 PM

There was a thread about a year or so ago about some shop in the area and an item in the room that moved, or was smashed to the floor and there was nobody there. I think they had it on camera too. Anybody remember that thread?

IslandRadio 10-26-2014 06:08 PM

The Castle on Sleepers Island - I've talked to one of the actual residents and she can tell you some interesting stuff. I can't possibly remember all of what I was told, but I'm sure the young lady would say, if asked

Yes, and there was that incident at "The Barn" in Gilford where a glass pastry dish flew off the counter and fell to the floor under its own power. That one was caught on video, and there is (or was) a thread about it somewhere.

Slickcraft 10-26-2014 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by LadyJane (Post 235536)
There was a thread about a year or so ago about some shop in the area and an item in the room that moved, or was smashed to the floor and there was nobody there. I think they had it on camera too. Anybody remember that thread?

Ellacoya store in font of the restaurant:

wifi 10-26-2014 07:18 PM

Perfect thread to usher in Halloween :)

riverat 10-27-2014 06:24 AM

caught on film

lilyelgato 10-27-2014 10:11 AM

These are some awesome ghost leads! I'm so excited to follow up on them. Thank you all so much. I've only heard about the Alton Town Hall, but can't remember what the ghost was up to. There's so much history here, I figured there had to be more stories.

And, yes I'm brand new to the forum and somewhat newish to the area. My in-laws have been here for years, so I guess you could say I married into the winnipesaukee community. Thanks for the warm welcome!

mcdude 10-28-2014 07:00 AM

Kimball Castle
Located on a 24-acre tract of land, this former estate of railroad magnate Benjamin A. Kimball is said to be haunted. There have been instances of unexplained loud noises, lights behind closed doors in vacant rooms and antique clocks that suddenly - and mysteriously - begin working again.

Laconia - Colonial Theater and Old Streetcar Place (2nd floor) (above Hector's restaurant?)

Ossipee, NH

Archers Pond & Polly's Crossing - The Rumors about Archers Pond and Polly's Crossing in Ossipee, NH are endless. They include the ghost of a man named Archie who killed everyone in the small village surrounding Archers Pond and threw the bodies into the pond, creatures living behind the pond in the hills, shaking cars, horrific screaming sounds, strange lights in the woods, a girl hit by a train, and the Plague. Check out what we found about Archers Pond and Polly's Crossing.

Sanbornton, NH Steele Hill Resort - The rumor: The older main building is haunted by a man who is seen walking the halls whistling and has been seen opening doors and windows. We have been to Steele Hill Resort many times, in the same old building, slept there on many occasions, used the pool and the restaurant numerous times, but have not seen or heard anything.

The 1875 Inn, Tilton
Innkeeper Joanna Oliver was putting the finishing touches on her new acquisition in 2001 when a woman stopped by and talked about the inn's history. Distracted, Joanna paid minimal attention to the stories, one of which was about a girl named Laura. She died in a fire in the building when it was a rooming house in the 19th century. Laura was only 12 when she died. But Oliver remembered this conversation months later when a guest told her that she had seen a young girl sitting on her bed in the Samuel Sanborn room. There were no young girls at the Inn at the time. About a year later another guest was staying in the Mary Baker Eddy room which is close to the Samuel Sanborn room, and told Joanna that he witnessed a young girl leaving his room and she just disappeared. A motorcyclist staying at the Inn during the major annual NH event Bike Week in 2006 said he saw a teenage girl in his room. She then disappeared but in the hallway he saw her again.
In the summer of 2007 a woman was startled to see a young girl in her room when she came out of the shower. The thermostats in the rooms closest to the street are often inexplicably turned down from where the guests had set them. Located in the Lakes and White Mountains area of NH The 1875 Inn contains the Olive Branch Tavern and has 11 guest rooms. Rates range from $113-167, breakfast is not included, children 5 and under are free, the inn is a non-smoking area, and small pets only are allowed. The 1875 Inn is at 255 Main St., Tilton, NH 03276 (603) 286-7774.

upthesaukee 10-28-2014 07:11 AM

Alton: friendly ghost
My wife worked for Alton Family Medicine on Main St in Alton, first working for Dr. Merritt. When she first got hired, Dr. Merritt let her know that there was a ghost that resided upstairs in the building, and that she was affectionately called "Abigail".

My wife was skeptical, but she would often go to work around 530 in the morning, and be the last to leave at night. On several occasions, she would hear footsteps on the third floor. There was a lamp in one of the exam rooms that hadn't worked in years, having tried changing bulbs to no avail. She came to work one morning in the dark, and the light was on.

Now, I don't believe in the supernatural....however, we had to go down to the office one evening and I went in with her. As she worked at her desk for a short while, I sat in a chair in her office. To my surprise, we heard light footsteps upstairs on the third floor, about 8 or 10, and my wife simply said "no big deal, that's just Abigail".

sluggo 10-28-2014 08:38 AM

I can tell you plenty of stories about ghostly hauntings and strange events but you have to see it to believe it... Try dinner at Lavinia`s fine dining in Center Harbor. On the second floor in the dining room on the left side of the house looking out towards the lake there is an entity that just doesn't want you there. Trust me if she wants you out she will let you know! There also is a colonial soldier that is in the kitchen area of the house that makes a presence. Couple of months ago there was video captured of a large can of olive oil being thrown across the kitchen when it was closed, ask the owner I am sure he will show it to you....

SAMIAM 10-28-2014 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by sluggo (Post 235595)
I can tell you plenty of stories about ghostly hauntings and strange events but you have to see it to believe it... Try dinner at Lavinia`s fine dining in Center Harbor. On the second floor in the dining room on the left side of the house looking out towards the lake there is an entity that just doesn't want you there. Trust me if she wants you out she will let you know! There also is a colonial soldier that is in the kitchen area of the house that makes a presence. Couple of months ago there was video captured of a large can of olive oil being thrown across the kitchen when it was closed, ask the owner I am sure he will show it to you....

I wasn't going to tell this story, Sluggo, but since you brought up Lavinia's I might as well.
When we renovated the building back in 1998/1999, we hired a lady artist to restore the floral wallpaper/mural in what was known as the presidents room.
She didn't want to be disturbed by all the contractors so she decided to work at night, some times staying until dawn.
She told me that on many occasions she was visited by the ghost of a man formally dressed in what appeared to be clothing from the 1700's. She said that he was usually just curious and wandered around the room as she was working. Other times he seemed angry and disturbed and the negative energy was so strong that she was genuinely fearful and left the building.

sluggo 10-28-2014 11:30 AM

Funny you say that ! I was in there this year and something grabbed the back of my neck one night so hard I felt it for days. There definitely is a presence there. I don't live far from there and my house was built around the same time. When I restored my barn I had an old man with a full beard that would sit in a chair in the entry way to the barn and watch me. When I finished he smiled and I haven't seen him since. We have a woman dressed in the early 1800~s clothing that we see quite often though and she just putters around.

Altonbayicefishingfool 10-28-2014 09:27 PM

Alton town hall from what I heard is no longer haunted,since they changed out the clock a few years ago the ghost disappeared... Not sure in the truth to that..

House up 140 in Alton, 2nd on the right is haunted. Friends of mine lived there and I have encountered several sightings there first hand. 2 Birthday cakes in the dining room ended up in a bedroom upstairs in the plastic trays they come in stacked on top of each other and nobody at the party moved them.... Really strange.

Former restaurant B MAE DENNYS Across from Patricks pub has a ghost.
Working in the kitchen one day and the radio changed volume all on its own several different times. Also a bartender heard a noise in the kitchen after closing, went upstairs and the floor was lined with potatoes, end to end all the way across the floor and down the hallway. Real creepy basement there, 5 foot ceilings and weird coves down there. I hated doing prep in the basement, felt like someone was always watching you!

lilyelgato 10-30-2014 09:41 AM

I've got to check out this hotel and that creepy pond!
I've got to check out this hotel and that creepy pond!

lilyelgato 10-30-2014 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by sluggo (Post 235595)
I can tell you plenty of stories about ghostly hauntings and strange events but you have to see it to believe it... Try dinner at Lavinia`s fine dining in Center Harbor. On the second floor in the dining room on the left side of the house looking out towards the lake there is an entity that just doesn't want you there. Trust me if she wants you out she will let you know! There also is a colonial soldier that is in the kitchen area of the house that makes a presence. Couple of months ago there was video captured of a large can of olive oil being thrown across the kitchen when it was closed, ask the owner I am sure he will show it to you....

I've been meaning to try Lavinia's so this is a great excuse. I heard about the restaurant all the way back in Colorado.

lilyelgato 10-30-2014 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by sluggo (Post 235604)
Funny you say that ! I was in there this year and something grabbed the back of my neck one night so hard I felt it for days. There definitely is a presence there. I don't live far from there and my house was built around the same time. When I restored my barn I had an old man with a full beard that would sit in a chair in the entry way to the barn and watch me. When I finished he smiled and I haven't seen him since. We have a woman dressed in the early 1800~s clothing that we see quite often though and she just putters around.

FREAKY! If that woman were wearing sweats from Walmart, I'd say it was probably just my mom.

mcdude 10-30-2014 11:10 AM

....apparently there's a 'Witch Rest Area' on Rt. 93. Haunted by the ghosts of past "Port-o-Potties" no doubt! :laugh:

dpg 11-03-2014 09:28 PM

Is winter getting to you people already?????

sluggo 11-04-2014 08:19 AM

You kidding me winter hasn't even begun ! we still have to get through the madness of the turkey and the coming of Santa clause ! :laugh:

Chickie 11-04-2014 10:56 AM

Too funny
Your post cracked me up, McDude. When I first read the original post, I envisioned a witch flying into the rest area on her broom.

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