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Sue Doe-Nym 07-06-2013 06:31 PM

Bad message to send
1 Attachment(s)
Someone who is visiting the lakes region from out of state sent me this picture of a license plate from a truck parked in the lot of Skelley's Market:

Attachment 8036

I was hard pressed to explain the disconnect between the area being dependent upon tourist dollars and the sometimes hostile attitude displayed towards those who choose to come here and spend their money in our community. Is this really the message we want to send to those who pump money into our local economy?

If you know who has this license plate, or an attitude that reflects the message being sent in this license plate, could you please explain that if the tourists who come here did "GOHOME", or went elsewhere to vacation, the impact on our economy would be significant. Those who you want to GOHOME are the ones who visit our restaurants, buy groceries at our stores, buy gas for their boats, rent properties and hotel rooms...the list goes on and on. What an ungrateful way to say thanks to those who really create jobs in our community!

A whopping 80% of the property tax revenue generated for the Moultonborough budget is from non-resident tax-payers. They fund our schools, police, fire, library, transfer station, and town roads. What a nice way to say thanks to them, too!

Come on folks, let's think about who really pays for the bulk of what this community spends and instead of being rude and antagonistic we express some gratitude and appreciation for what the non-residents allow us to do.

braunbayboater 07-06-2013 07:21 PM

Well said.
Well said. Although, I would say that anyone with that license plate would not listen to your well placed thoughts.

Kamper 07-06-2013 07:25 PM

Why do you feel you need to justify or apologize for the attitude and opinion of a perfect stranger? I'd point out there are butt-heads everywhere. Some are locals and some are visitors and I'd leave it at that.

Chaselady 07-06-2013 07:26 PM

Agreed! I have lived both sides. Paid lots of taxes for many services we didn't use and now live here year-round. There are many things NH does so much better than our previous state, thanks to the money from non-residents.

secondcurve 07-06-2013 08:16 PM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207314)
Someone who is visiting the lakes region from out ofY state sent me this picture of a license plate from a truck parked in the lot of Skelley's Market:

Attachment 8036

I was hard pressed to explain the disconnect between the area being dependent upon tourist dollars and the sometimes hostile attitude displayed towards those who choose to come here and spend their money in our community. Is this really the message we want to send to those who pump money into our local economy?

If you know who has this license plate, or an attitude that reflects the message being sent in this license plate, could you please explain that if the tourists who come here did "GOHOME", or went elsewhere to vacation, the impact on our economy would be significant. Those who you want to GOHOME are the ones who visit our restaurants, buy groceries at our stores, buy gas for their boats, rent properties and hotel rooms...the list goes on and on. What an ungrateful way to say thanks to those who really create jobs in our community!

A whopping 80% of the property tax revenue generated for the Moultonborough budget is from non-resident tax-payers. They fund our schools, police, fire, library, transfer station, and town roads. What a nice way to say thanks to them, too!

Come on folks, let's think about who really pays for the bulk of what this community spends and instead of being rude and antagonistic we express some gratitude and appreciation for what the non-residents allow us to do.

While the attitude certainly isn't surprising the fact that the state would issue this plate is surprising. Some state lackey was sleeping the day this happened.

wifi 07-06-2013 08:34 PM

That plate has been around for atleast 10 years, that I remember... :laugh:

Swanpoint guy 07-06-2013 08:50 PM

Deeper meaning
Thnking about that plate brings an initial thought and then.....after a few minutes a different meaning emerges.

I mostly live and working n connecticut. I don't much Like the place, but it's just one of many. I was born in Michigan, but grew up in California. Went to school in Ohio and Missouri. Trained in DC and Alabama.

After all of that I feel most at HOME here in NH.

Go figure.

Par Four 07-06-2013 11:48 PM

My wife & I were amused years back while traveling in the great state of Texas when we saw our first bumper sticker saying "Thanks for visiting, now go home!"

It's an interesting and sometimes complex message in those few words.


tis 07-07-2013 06:30 AM

Some people truly do hate tourists but I think most realize we need them and I think that is probably meant to be funny. I saw that plate the other day and wondered if he was trying to be funny or not. I, and I know a lot of others love tourists (and second home owners which is what we have most of on this sie of the lake) and love people to move here because they love it here, but when they try to change it to be like the place they came from, that is when we want them to "GOHOME". Of course the damage is already done.

Slickcraft 07-07-2013 07:50 AM

We moved to Danville NH in the early 80’s from south of the NH border, or as many locals put it, from “the city”. A nearby Danville resident had an old pick-up with the bumper sticker “Welcome to New Hampshire, Now Go Home”. He was a hard working local that sold firewood, did odd jobs and was a hunter and a trapper. He and his wife, who had a regular job, appeared to do a good job raising kids in their very modest house. On occasion when we encountered him on the woods roads he was never inclined to wave or say Hi.

My impression was that he felt that his way of life was threatened by steady infusion of new settlers from the south. Woodlands were being developed and new regulations were being enacted. I believe that his bumper sticker reflected the way he really felt. So I respected his desire to hold on to his way of life.

BroadHopper 07-07-2013 07:54 AM

back in the days
The NH residents will sport two one of or both bumper stickers.

'Welcome to NH, Now Go Home!' or
'Make it in Mass., Spend it in NH'

From a lifelong NH resident, I don't mind folks coming up here. I despise those who come up here and bring their 'values' and tell us what to do.

Otherwise keep your politics at home and enjoy what we have to offer.

Sorry to rant but it is what it is!

tis 07-07-2013 09:07 AM

That is exactly what I was trying to say, Broadhopper. And many do move here and bring their values with them. I just don't get it. Why move here if you just want to make it into the place you came from????

polarisman14 07-07-2013 09:50 AM

I think everyone's reading too much into it.

That being said, I'm sure the plate is directed more toward the small percentage of people that come up here from mass and other points (just so happens to be moreso from mass than anywhere else) and are disrespectful to the area--loud, arrogant, inconsiderate people who come in and act like they own the place (some of them do, but others just rent and have the same attitude) and trash everything. 90% of the people who come up are perfectly fine but it's the 10% that stick in everyone's minds.

I live on Shellcamp Pond and a majority of people here are from Mass during the late spring, summer, and early fall. Most of them are terrific guests to have in our area but there are a small percentage of them who litter and generally have a complete and utter lack of respect for the area and everything it has to offer. That's what irritates me, and it just so happens there's usually a mass plate attached to the people doing that. I'm sure there are plenty of in-staters that do the same thing but it seems few and far between.

Though the revenue generated is a good thing and helps the state overall, some people just would rather not deal with the added traffic and disturbances of the peace that often result.

ishoot308 07-07-2013 11:51 AM

Illegal Aliens
Just out of curiosity, how does anyone know this plate is not directed at the millions of illegal aliens we currently have in the country???....


Happy Gourmand 07-07-2013 12:00 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 207345)
Just out of curiosity, how does anyone know this plate is not directed at the millions of illegal aliens we currently have in the country???....


Great point. Without knowing who it is directed at, all is just speculation and probably not worth getting into a tizzy about.

jeffk 07-07-2013 01:25 PM

No big deal?
I would guess that most people would look at it and think if funny, a "crusty Yankee" opinion. I doubt many would be seriously offended by it and if they are, maybe they should lighten up.

I absolutely agree with the sentiment of the financial help that the area receives and I have no resentment for tourists even though I find them funny at time, uppity at times, and annoying at times. Hmmm, that applies to locals as well.

I have no real interest in telling others how to express their opinion or express their sense of humor and I don't want others to be bugging me about my preferences either. Sometimes people go WAY over the line and a word to the wise may be needed but mostly I figure people are adult enough to deal with an imperfect world and the imperfect people that live in it.

winniplayhouse 07-07-2013 01:26 PM

Maybe it's directed at their in-laws?!?!?!?:laugh:

Newbiesaukee 07-07-2013 02:43 PM

I could not care less about the license plate.

I have lived in Florida for 40 years and hate the increased traffic and aggravation that all the tourists cause in the winter (although I don't hate the tourists) . In the 5 months I am here I become the hated tourist. The irony is not lost on me, but that is the reality.

The UNreality is that some folks not only want all the hated tourists in NH to "go home," they also want to time-travel to the more simple happier past.

Neither is going to happen. Such is life.

tis 07-07-2013 04:51 PM

Don't we all want to travel to the happy, simpler past? How did we get into this lifestyle we have today?

nj2nh 07-07-2013 06:03 PM

I grew up in Massachusetts. I love Massachusetts. I live in NJ and love where I live now as well. I have spent part of every summer of my life in Alton Bay. If I had to pick one place to call home, the lake is it. I dream of becoming a year-round resident. Someday, perhaps.

Everyone I encounter in NH from store owners to pliers have been nothing but lovely. This thread makes me wonder if it is all a fraud. I truly resent the attitude that tourists are a pain, that we are unwanted, that we should go home whether it is a majority opinion or s minority one.

I pay the same taxes that you do, but get no vote. I think that is something everyone who lives in a tourist area should remember.

nj2nh 07-07-2013 06:07 PM

That would be plumbers, not pliers. Auto-correct.

GTO 07-07-2013 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by ishoot308 (Post 207345)
Just out of curiosity, how does anyone know this plate is not directed at the millions of illegal aliens we currently have in the country???....


Or maybe just aliens in general

Lakesrider 07-07-2013 07:59 PM

Who says that plate is aimed at the tourists? Maybe he doesn't like his Mother-in-Law......:D

Shreddy 07-08-2013 07:23 AM

She works in Skelley's and is a very nice lady... Some people need to relax with their assumptions and stop being "know-it-alls". Everyone has to have something to complain about nowadays rather than just enjoying where they're at. Do you honestly have nothing better to do than post pictures of someone's license plate and make them out to be a bad person? Grow up...

Sue Doe-Nym 07-08-2013 08:06 AM


Originally Posted by Shreddy (Post 207399)
She works in Skelley's and is a very nice lady... Some people need to relax with their assumptions and stop being "know-it-alls". Everyone has to have something to complain about nowadays rather than just enjoying where they're at. Do you honestly have nothing better to do than post pictures of someone's license plate and make them out to be a bad person? Grow up...

When you make your vanity plate public for all to see you then subject yourself to public comment. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences of such speech.

That surprises me that she holds such a view when her very livelihood is dependent upon those she wishes to GOHOME. If tourists decided to go elsewhere and spent less money at Skelley's, there would be less need for services at Skelley's (translation: less hours available to work).

I am sure she is a nice lady and I am sure she, as well as many of us, put up with a lot of guff from the non-residents. My point is that it is the non-residents who pay for the bulk of what we as a town spend in our budget and a little appreciation towards those who actually foot the bill for all we are able to do would be nice.

Some think the plate is funny, some think my out of town visitor acquaintance (who I encouraged to come visit) should be more thick-skinned. I am of the thought that we need to be more appreciative to the non-residents.

AC2717 07-08-2013 08:09 AM

i saw this plate on rt 3 in tilton last weekend (before the 4th)

CrownRay 07-08-2013 08:21 AM

I bet he works in Massachusetts.

VitaBene 07-08-2013 08:38 AM

Nothing to do with summer people
I know the owner of the plate well. It has nothing to do with out of state visitors.

GTO 07-08-2013 08:51 AM

No kidding....

Originally Posted by Shreddy (Post 207399)
She works in Skelley's and is a very nice lady... Some people need to relax with their assumptions and stop being "know-it-alls". Everyone has to have something to complain about nowadays rather than just enjoying where they're at. Do you honestly have nothing better to do than post pictures of someone's license plate and make them out to be a bad person? Grow up...

You're all assuming what the plate means. It could have hundreds of meanings. Relax and go enjoy the lake

Shreddy 07-08-2013 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207405)
When you make your vanity plate public for all to see you then subject yourself to public comment. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences of such speech.

That surprises me that she holds such a view when her very livelihood is dependent upon those she wishes to GOHOME. If tourists decided to go elsewhere and spent less money at Skelley's, there would be less need for services at Skelley's (translation: less hours available to work).

I am sure she is a nice lady and I am sure she, as well as many of us, put up with a lot of guff from the non-residents. My point is that it is the non-residents who pay for the bulk of what we as a town spend in our budget and a little appreciation towards those who actually foot the bill for all we are able to do would be nice.

Some think the plate is funny, some think my out of town visitor acquaintance (who I encouraged to come visit) should be more thick-skinned. I am of the thought that we need to be more appreciative to the non-residents.

What surprises ME is your lack of knowledge revolving around an irrelevant issue of which you have created. I hope you feel better about yourself for trying to make a statement over something you have no actual knowledge about. Her license plate simply says "gohome", not "gohomeoutofstaterswhosupportoureconomy"...

Sue Doe-Nym 07-08-2013 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Shreddy (Post 207423)
What surprises ME is your lack of knowledge revolving around an irrelevant issue of which you have created. I hope you feel better about yourself for trying to make a statement over something you have no actual knowledge about. Her license plate simply says "gohome", not "gohomeoutofstaterswhosupportoureconomy"...

It is the perception that is created with the plate in the first place. Let's face it, there are plenty of people in the area who have the attitude of GOHOME to non-residents. That is the impression that the person who visited got from the plate, and that is a fact. Overreacting? Maybe, but maybe they will find other places to go to spend their dollars that is more welcoming and we won't have to worry about them overreacting, or spending money, in our community again. Keep in mind that in the day of social media, something like this can go viral and taint a community in minutes.

If it doesn't mean what people think, what does it mean?

SIKSUKR 07-08-2013 12:11 PM

OMG. We're so politically correct now that we can't have a plate that says gohome? There is more to this thread like perhaps somebody has a complex about being from out of state and maybe got an earfull from a local at one point. Move on and enjoy our (including out of staters) beautiful lake.

BroadHopper 07-08-2013 12:17 PM

Social media.
Social media is an extremely powerful tool today. Many pollsters feels that was what elected Obama in the last election, he uses social media as a voting tool when the republicians did not.

There are a group of lakefront owners who whiches the boating population to go away and make the lake their 'Golden Pond'. The infamous SL law is a perfect example of this and they are very proud of it. Unfortunately the boating industry and the hospitality industry also felt it and it is not good.

More fall out from this results in boating and tourists magazines dropping the Lakes Region down in top destination rankings. Our neighboring states sre enjoying increases in tourist dollars while NH declines.

While I did state I am not in favor of folks moving up here and bringing their 'dirty laundry', I never said tourists are not welcome here. The majority of the tourists are great and like all crowds there are a few that spoil it for all.

And this few are like criminals, they enjoy the 'media hype' of their outcome.

GTO 07-08-2013 12:25 PM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207434)
It is the perception that is created with the plate in the first place. Let's face it, there are plenty of people in the area who have the attitude of GOHOME to non-residents. That is the impression that the person who visited got from the plate, and that is a fact. Overreacting? Maybe, but maybe they will find other places to go to spend their dollars that is more welcoming and we won't have to worry about them overreacting, or spending money, in our community again. Keep in mind that in the day of social media, something like this can go viral and taint a community in minutes.

If it doesn't mean what people think, what does it mean?

Michael Buble has a song called I Wanna Go Home....maybe it's they're favorite song ( just can't get the whole title on the plate). Maybe it's a family joke aimed at certain visiting guests (aka mother in law). But we can go on if you want putting this woman down because of only what some think it means

WakeboardMom 07-08-2013 12:29 PM

We have had vanity plates since moving to NH in 1983. We usually register two cars and a work truck; plus various cars belonging to my that's a lot of vanity plates in a 30-year span. It's only recently that we've been seriously questioned by the clerk at town hall for an explanation of each request.

They turned down my "fnfunfn" (Fun Fun Fun) plate for what, in retrospect, is an obvious reason.

This plate doesn't have bad language, but when taken at face value, it seems to have a negative message. Someone said the plate is at least 10 years old... I wonder if it would pass the state's current "sniff test?" It might not be allowed if they apply your mother's rule of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

Shreddy 07-08-2013 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207434)
It is the perception that is created with the plate in the first place. Let's face it, there are plenty of people in the area who have the attitude of GOHOME to non-residents. That is the impression that the person who visited got from the plate, and that is a fact. Overreacting? Maybe, but maybe they will find other places to go to spend their dollars that is more welcoming and we won't have to worry about them overreacting, or spending money, in our community again. Keep in mind that in the day of social media, something like this can go viral and taint a community in minutes.

If it doesn't mean what people think, what does it mean?

Why don't you find out for yourself rather than sit there and make foolish assumptions. You're painting someone negative based on six letters that could mean ANYTHING. You have got to be kidding me that you seriously have nothing better to do but criticize someone for their choice of a vanity plate. It's people like YOU who taint society. Everyone knows that the Lakes Region economy is funded by both in-staters AND out-of-staters.

Maybe she has an immense amount of wealth, works locally to occupy her time, and truly wants people like you to "go home". However, what I have just stated is simply a "what-if" because I have no knowledge.

This topic is utterly pointless and really doesn't bring much value to this forum. I do know that vehicle is local to the area, but for all you know this car could have been someone from Southern NH and is referring to critical people like you from central NH. You have no basis for your argument without facts and your "freedom of speech" on this topic should be revoked considering is has nothing to do with Lake Winnipesaukee unless of course you want to rely on your ASSUMPTION that this person wants out of staters to go home.

Lock it, move it to the general issues forum, or delete it (my suggestion)...but this is far to pointless to keep open in the general forum.

RailroadJoe 07-08-2013 01:35 PM

37 posts and still going strong.

Sue Doe-Nym 07-08-2013 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Shreddy (Post 207446)
Why don't you find out for yourself rather than sit there and make foolish assumptions. You're painting someone negative based on six letters that could mean ANYTHING. You have got to be kidding me that you seriously have nothing better to do but criticize someone for their choice of a vanity plate. It's people like YOU who taint society. Everyone knows that the Lakes Region economy is funded by both in-staters AND out-of-staters.

Maybe she has an immense amount of wealth, works locally to occupy her time, and truly wants people like you to "go home". However, what I have just stated is simply a "what-if" because I have no knowledge.

This topic is utterly pointless and really doesn't bring much value to this forum. I do know that vehicle is local to the area, but for all you know this car could have been someone from Southern NH and is referring to critical people like you from central NH. You have no basis for your argument without facts and your "freedom of speech" on this topic should be revoked considering is has nothing to do with Lake Winnipesaukee unless of course you want to rely on your ASSUMPTION that this person wants out of staters to go home.

Lock it, move it to the general issues forum, or delete it (my suggestion)...but this is far to pointless to keep open in the general forum.

I am not saying anything about the individual. I have no idea who the owner of the plate is nor do I wish to know. The negativity is directed at the message, not the messenger. I am always treated with courtesy and respect when I go into Skelley's. Let's give the owner of the plate the benefit of the doubt and say it has nothing to do with non-residents; the point is that someone who came here to visit did take it as an unwelcome message and was annoyed enough to bring it to my attention. Word of mouth and social media are powerful tools to bring wanted, and unwanted, attention to an area. Some states spend millions of dollars to attract tourists. I will bring it back to the question I posed in my original post:

Is this really the message we want to be sending the people who visit our community?

Lock it down, move it, the conversation has been civil and has given me some angles I hadn't thought of. Perhaps it has done the same for others. If civil discourse that disagrees with one, but has garnered what at this time is over 1,700 views, makes everyone uncomfortable, feel free to lock it. What is the criteria for a thread to remain in general discussion, which is what I thought we were having?

jeffk 07-08-2013 02:16 PM

Old hat
Sentiments like this have been around for decades. There are always some people in a tourist area that can't stand the tourists. I have seen signs with statements like this in shops around the area. If people haven't been scared away yet they are not going to be now. Nor is a license plate posted on the internet going to cause anyone any problems. Ever notice the amount of griping about motorcycles and bike week. Doesn't stop them from coming, does it?

On top of that, it doesn't seem to mean what it was originally assumed to mean so lets get over it.

Russtic 07-08-2013 02:51 PM

Words and Phrases are open to interpretation
My vanity plate in MA means one thing to me but something else to some people (not offensive in any way.) That's fine, don't care what others think of my plate or me.
Have always liked vanity plates because they are fun to decipher. My tongue-in-cheek guess of the story behind the plate in question:
Maybe an aging, former Massachusetts resident who realizes all the financial benefits of tourists and out-of-state owners...
it stands for "Good Ol' Hicks Owe Massachusetts Everything"

VitaBene 07-08-2013 03:40 PM


Originally Posted by Russtic (Post 207463)
My vanity plate in MA means one thing to me but something else to some people (not offensive in any way.) That's fine, don't care what others think of my plate or me.
Have always liked vanity plates because they are fun to decipher. My tongue-in-cheek guess of the story behind the plate in question:
Maybe an aging, former Massachusetts resident who realizes all the financial benefits of tourists and out-of-state owners...
it stands for "Good Ol' Hicks Owe Massachusetts Everything"

You never know... I do know the plate owner (as I noted earlier) is not a NH native. I think many would be surprised by how few NH natives there are out there.
I'm local but not native:)

Misty Blue 07-08-2013 03:47 PM

Road rag?
My New York in-laws were up for a visit. Nice folks. When they were returning home things started to go wrong.

The closer they got to NYC the more people in other cars were yelling at them and making gestures. They didn't know why.

When they parked the car they noticed that some trickster had put a "Yankees Suck" bumper sticker on their car.

Gee whiz. Guess who they blamed?

Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk....

Misty Blue

Tank151 07-08-2013 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 207336)
The NH residents will sport two one of or both bumper stickers.

'Welcome to NH, Now Go Home!' or
'Make it in Mass., Spend it in NH'

From a lifelong NH resident, I don't mind folks coming up here. I despise those who come up here and bring their 'values' and tell us what to do.

Otherwise keep your politics at home and enjoy what we have to offer.

Sorry to rant but it is what it is!


Just remember those who own residences, spend lots of money and especially PAY Property taxes here in NH have a right to vent their values as we have the same rights as YOU!

It's a different story when NH residents come across the border to work in Massachusetts and "vent their values on paying income taxes"? GEEZ!

ITD 07-08-2013 03:57 PM

I thought it was code for an "EMO" Harley.......

"EMO" "HOG" (Go Home spelled backwards). :D

tis 07-08-2013 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Russtic (Post 207463)
My vanity plate in MA means one thing to me but something else to some people (not offensive in any way.) That's fine, don't care what others think of my plate or me.
Have always liked vanity plates because they are fun to decipher. My tongue-in-cheek guess of the story behind the plate in question:
Maybe an aging, former Massachusetts resident who realizes all the financial benefits of tourists and out-of-state owners...
it stands for "Good Ol' Hicks Owe Massachusetts Everything"

Now THAT is insulting! The nerve, calling us hicks!! And thinking we owe Massachusetts everything?????? I DON'T THINK SO!!!

secondcurve 07-08-2013 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 207411)
I know the owner of the plate well. It has nothing to do with out of state visitors.

I'll take you at your word. However, I'm sure she understands how the vast majority of people interpret the message the plate sends. In my opinion it is in poor taste and sends the wrong message for someone who lives in an area that would be an economic wasteland were it not for the tourist industry.

BroadHopper 07-08-2013 08:34 PM

NH native
1 Attachment(s)
I hope this is not insulting!

Resident 2B 07-08-2013 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 207493)
I hope this is not insulting!

Great plate for an American built muscle car! Well done!


wuwu 07-08-2013 09:00 PM

Oh my!
I have had that plate since the 80's. I have heard many comments over the years about it. Some funny, some not so funny.
Today I heard that you shouldn't refer to sprinkles as jimmies. Socially incorrect?
Lighten up people! Learn to laugh!
It really feels good!

Sue Doe-Nym 07-09-2013 03:08 AM


Originally Posted by wuwu (Post 207496)
I have had that plate since the 80's. I have heard many comments over the years about it. Some funny, some not so funny.
Today I heard that you shouldn't refer to sprinkles as jimmies. Socially incorrect?
Lighten up people! Learn to laugh!
It really feels good!

Thanks for chiming in, wuwu. Could you please explain the intended message on your plate?

RailroadJoe 07-09-2013 05:20 AM

My new vanity plate will read "GOHOMNOW"

wifi 07-09-2013 05:37 AM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207505)
Thanks for chiming in, wuwu. Could you please explain the intended message on your plate?


Originally Posted by Resident 2B (Post 207494)
Great plate for an American built muscle car! Well done!

HHHHmmmmmmm :rolleye1:

SteveA 07-09-2013 05:48 AM

Surprised this is available
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 8063

You can snap it up here... or look for other combinations :)

wuwu 07-09-2013 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207505)
Thanks for chiming in, wuwu. Could you please explain the intended message on your plate?

If you need an explanation, please choose from the following list:
1. Song
2. In-laws
3. Aliens
4. All of the above
Really? Does one make it their quest in life to worry about such small trival things?
If my plate is such a worry to you about sending the wrong message, then please, stand at the Hookset tollbooth, wave a flag that reads BRING MORE MONEY!
Lighten up!
Live free!

dpg 07-09-2013 05:52 AM

I've also seen the gohome plate at Skelleys. I was getting an ice cream (great cones there) I looked, read it, smirked and finished my treat. WHO CARES???

Kamper 07-09-2013 06:18 AM

NH got along fine before the tourist industry developed and we'll figure things out if/when other activities take people's time and money. In the meantime, folks are welcome to visit and spend as much or little as they like.

When I worked in Mass. I was not consulted on how they spent my taxes. No one here who whines about taxes on their vacation homes has indicated they have petitioned their home states to provide the privileges they feel they deserve here, to those who pay non-resident taxes where they live.

Don't think that your money gives you any right to tell anyone, anywhere, how to live to live or express themselves.

It's a license plate, not a regulation. "Lighten up, Francis!"

knittaplz 07-09-2013 08:14 AM

People need to lighten up. Not only the visitor but also the person who posted this.

A license plate is just a license plate. Nothing more, nothing less. You do not know the back story on it but let's assume it is about tourists. Who among us has not been frustrated with the traffic and many times the rudeness of visitors? Is there any year-round resident here who has not said (at least once) they couldn't wait for the tourists to go home?

Instead of complaining and trying to vilify someone without even knowing them you should have laughed and shared some of your tourist horror stories. Or you could have simply stated the truth, you have no idea what it means nor is it any of your business.

knittaplz 07-09-2013 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by WakeboardMom (Post 207442)
This plate doesn't have bad language, but when taken at face value, it seems to have a negative message. Someone said the plate is at least 10 years old... I wonder if it would pass the state's current "sniff test?" It might not be allowed if they apply your mother's rule of "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all."

My mom taught us to not be afraid of speaking our minds. Who decides what is 'nice' enough for a license plate. As long as it isn't outright offensive, who cares?

knittaplz 07-09-2013 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by CrownRay (Post 207408)
I bet he works in Massachusetts.

You would lose that bet. The plate belongs to a 'she' not a 'he'. And she works locally, not in Mass.

SAMIAM 07-09-2013 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by knittaplz (Post 207523)
People need to lighten up. Not only the visitor but also the person who posted this.

A license plate is just a license plate. Nothing more, nothing less. You do not know the back story on it but let's assume it is about tourists. Who among us has not been frustrated with the traffic and many times the rudeness of visitors? Is there any year-round resident here who has not said (at least once) they couldn't wait for the tourists to go home?

Instead of complaining and trying to vilify someone without even knowing them you should have laughed and shared some of your tourist horror stories. Or you could have simply stated the truth, you have no idea what it means nor is it any of your business.

I agree with Knittaplz.There is always going to be a small minority that is negative or insulting to some people for some silly reason but I can tell you as a native,myself,that most everyone that I know totally appreciates and enjoys our summer vistors and residents.I just laugh and shake my head when I see someone with one of those bumper stickers.

WakeboardMom 07-09-2013 08:47 AM


Originally Posted by knittaplz (Post 207524)
My mom taught us to not be afraid of speaking our minds. Who decides what is 'nice' enough for a license plate. As long as it isn't outright offensive, who cares?

I agree. I always speak my mind, unless it's something that's better off unsaid. (Usually my husband lets me know...! ; )

I think the plate could be interpreted as offensive, which is what sparked this interesting discussion.

Sue Doe-Nym 07-09-2013 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by WakeboardMom (Post 207527)
I agree. I always speak my mind, unless it's something that's better off unsaid. (Usually my husband lets me know...! ; )

I think the plate could be interpreted as offensive, which is what sparked this interesting discussion.

It was interpreted as offensive. I just thought I would point it out to everyone. My livelihood is not dependent on tourism.

The fact that the owner of the plate doesn't have an explanation for the plate speaks volumes. Yes, yes, I know she doesn't owe me or anyone else an explanation, but perhaps the Maine tourism bureau would love to use the plate for their new ad campaign. Picture this:

Glossy paper in AAA magazines, visitor brochures, and online ads.

GOHOME (picture of the plate)
VISITME (picture of a Maine plate)

Maybe a huge billboard in Mass could sport that ad as people drove north prior to them getting on I-93.

wuwu 07-09-2013 09:12 AM

I do have an explanation for this plate, I just believe its not a concern of yours!
Lighten up
Live free

Shreddy 07-09-2013 09:12 AM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207528)
It was interpreted as offensive. I just thought I would point it out to everyone. My livelihood is not dependent on tourism.

The fact that the owner of the plate doesn't have an explanation for the plate speaks volumes. Yes, yes, I know she doesn't owe me or anyone else an explanation, but perhaps the Maine tourism bureau would love to use the plate for their new ad campaign. Picture this:

Glossy paper in AAA magazines, visitor brochures, and online ads.

GOHOME (picture of the plate)
VISITME (picture of a Maine plate)

Maybe a huge billboard in Mass could sport that ad as people drove north prior to them getting on I-93?

Think, people. Think.

You've buried yourself. You're the one who is shooting yourself in the foot now and looks negative. You are NOTHING BUT NEGATIVE and had nothing positive to bring to the table here other than to bash someone you don't know based on assumption. Someone who has kindly laughed about the situation and given you a response. What are you trying to get at? What more are you trying accomplish other than making yourself look more and more like a ____________ Give it up...admit that that you were wrong and show some maturity.

Sue Doe-Nym 07-09-2013 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Shreddy (Post 207530)
You've buried yourself. You're the one who is shooting yourself in the foot now and looks negative. You are NOTHING BUT NEGATIVE and had nothing positive to bring to the table here other than to bash someone you don't know based on assumption. Someone who has kindly laughed about the situation and given you a response. What are you trying to get at? What more are you trying accomplish other than making yourself look more and more like a ____________ Give it up...admit that that you were wrong and show some maturity.

In retrospect my original reply was snotty which was why I did edit it. However, I am not wrong in that this area had a visitor that was offended by a perceived negative plate.

Ok, I am off to smash my computer now.

Scott's Yott 07-09-2013 10:29 AM

Ya get a life or stay in ur 1,000,000 lake house(go home)

brk-lnt 07-09-2013 11:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sue Doe-Nym (Post 207532)
In retrospect my original reply was snotty which was why I did edit it. However, I am not wrong in that this area had a visitor that was offended by a perceived negative plate.

Ok, I am off to smash my computer now.

Someone who is *truly* offended by something so simple as a single license plate has much bigger issues going on. Especially when this plate is one of most likely 1,000 things they would see and experience on their visit, with the other 999 items most likely being quite positive.

It's already been pointed out that the plate doesn't mean what your visitor apparently thought it meant. However, even if it DID literally mean "Go home, you nasty tourist", people ARE entitled to their opinions. Also, there ARE many people in the lakes region who have been residents since long long before it was the highly popular tourist area it is now. It's quite possible some of those people might prefer the "old" region, with less tourism, they are certainly entitled to their beliefs.

Basically, your visitor needs a damn hobby...

Chaselady 07-09-2013 12:18 PM

This whole thread is an example of how people love to jump all over each other.

Pineedles 07-09-2013 12:50 PM

You would think that its mid-January and everyone has cabin fever, reading this thread.:laugh:

sluggo 07-09-2013 02:58 PM

This thread is funny as hell ! I vacationed here for over twenty years before I moved here full time. It took five years before the locals even warmed up to me and when they found out I didn't want to change anything with my property or the way of life up here I was accepted with open arms. Now I come from Massachusetts originally and I have a better education than most but since I have lived here people that I work with that are seasonal here have referred to me as a dumb hick , an under educated moron , red neck , simple minded and I can go on and on. Don't get me wrong I meet a lot of really nice people but on the other hand I really don't understand the upper attitude people take when they come up here and the way we are looked down upon. I am older now so I could care less so I just laugh about it now but if I could fit ( cant wait till Columbus day ) on my license plate I would !!! :laugh:

BroadHopper 07-09-2013 03:29 PM

Live Free or Die
Some folks thinks the motto is insulting, see below.

In 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case of Wooley v. Maynard, 430 U.S. 705, that the State of New Hampshire could not prosecute motorists who chose to hide part or all of the motto. That ruling came about because George Maynard, a Jehovah's Witness, covered up "or die" from his plate. "By religious training and belief, I believe my 'government' – Jehovah's Kingdom – offers everlasting life. It would be contrary to that belief to give up my life for the state, even if it meant living in bondage." Pursuant to these beliefs, the Maynards began early in 1974 to cover up the motto on their license plates.
He was convicted of breaking a state law against altering license plates.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6–3 in his favor and likened Maynard's refusal to accept the state motto with the Jehovah’s Witness children refusing to salute the American flag in public school in the 1943 decision West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette.
"We begin with the proposition that the right of freedom of thought protected by the First Amendment against state action includes both the right to speak freely and the right to refrain from speaking at all,” Chief Justice Warren Burger wrote for the majority in Maynard.
"Here, as in Barnette, we are faced with a state measure which forces an individual, as part of his daily life indeed constantly while his automobile is in public view to be an instrument for fostering public adherence to an ideological point of view he finds unacceptable.
"The fact that most individuals agree with the thrust of New Hampshire’s motto is not the test; most Americans also find the flag salute acceptable," Burger wrote.
The Supreme Court concluded that the state’s interests paled in comparison to individuals’ free-expression rights.

SteveA 07-09-2013 04:46 PM

The whole quote...
.. wouldn't fit on the license plate.

Gen.John Stark, the hero of the Battle of Bennington, had to decline an invatation to the 32nd celebration of that battle due to poor health.

The last line in his letter, explaning why he couldn't make the event, he proposed that the men at the event, say as a toast "Live Free Or Die; Death is Not The Worst of Evils.". The rest as they say, was history.. The New Hampshire legistrator adopted that toast as the official state motto in 1945.

dave603 07-09-2013 06:13 PM

I was born and raised in Mass., have lived in N.H. for 35 years now, after spending time in NY, Conn., Texas, Colorado, and places outside the U.S. in the service and for jobs.
I moved here because it was what I wanted for me and the family, the way of life.
I resent those that do come here to "get away" from the way things were from where they were at, and then try to make it the same way as it was there.
So all and all, I can see and somewhat agree with what the plate says.

But I also see where the money to support the state infastructure has to come from to support it.
That says, although you may not like them, they are needed for us to be they way we are.


nj2nh 07-27-2013 04:12 PM

I guess I am one of the "them" that you are referring to and I have to say that I resent what you wrote. Yes, I come to NH to get away from NJ. Would I rather live in NH? God, yes, but my husband and two children would not. So I go back and forth from NJ to get away. Is there really anything wrong with that? Absolutely not. I have been coming here for over 50 years. FIFTY YEARS!!!! I do not consider NJ, where I live, or Massachusetts, where I grew up (and I am sure you have charming comments about both of those lovely places) home. I consider Lake Winnipesaukee home. I think about it 365 days a year. Yes, every single day. If I could not get here for part of every year, I think I would just shrivel up and die. It is the only thing that makes the rest I the year bearable.

diz 07-27-2013 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by dave603 (Post 207577)
I was born and raised in Mass., have lived in N.H. for 35 years now, after spending time in NY, Conn., Texas, Colorado, and places outside the U.S. in the service and for jobs.
I moved here because it was what I wanted for me and the family, the way of life.
I resent those that do come here to "get away" from the way things were from where they were at, and then try to make it the same way as it was there.
So all and all, I can see and somewhat agree with what the plate says.

But I also see where the money to support the state infastructure has to come from to support it.
That says, although you may not like them, they are needed for us to be they way we are.


I'm in a similar situation to nj2nh. My family has split their time between Mass. and the Lakes Region for 30 years. My wife and I recently bought our own home in Laconia because we enjoy life here, NOT because we're looking to change things. It's disappointing to hear the opinion that all out-of-staters have an agenda. My wife and I like it up here and that's why we invested in a home here. It's that simple. We enjoy our new friends and neighbors. That's enough for us.

WakeboardMom 07-27-2013 08:30 PM

It's easy to say, "Don't change anything," but you do understand that the only constant in life is change...right...? And you do understand that the only way that NH can truly sustain itself is to finally, in some way, enact some type of broad-based tax...yes?

Irish mist 07-28-2013 12:46 AM


Originally Posted by WakeboardMom (Post 209005)
It's easy to say, "Don't change anything," but you do understand that the only constant in life is change...right...? And you do understand that the only way that NH can truly sustain itself is to finally, in some way, enact some type of broad-based tax...yes?

NO. Every state that has added an income tax has never seen the total tax burden in the state go down.....ever ! The government will just spend more. God; do you people never learn ? I don't understand the attraction of changing NH to Massachusetts-north or Vermont-east ?

Mass just raised taxes another half a billion dollars. VT has sky-high taxes & yet both states often can't balance their's the same endless cycle. Until about 10 or 15 years ago most NH residents understood the value of a low-tax state.....theses day, I'm afraid, not so much.

NH has no death tax, no capital gains tax, no income tax, no general sales tax.....and we are supposed to give this up, for become another Massachusetts, another Vermont, or California with its tens of billions of dollars in debt & its 13.3% income tax ?

Sorry for the politics folks.....I understand the owner does not like it & I have cut way back over the years in posting political stuff, but man, sometimes:)

HomeWood 07-28-2013 02:05 AM

I'm a little worried about what NH might turn into by the time I'm ready to retire and move there.

Diver Vince 07-28-2013 05:24 AM

So glad to move from NJ (where I was born and raised) to NH. And rest assured I would not want to change a single thing about NH.:D

IslandRadio 07-28-2013 05:43 AM

First, up front: I live in Mass (rural) and am a conservative. Yes, my vote is usually just thrown away in that state, but I vote anyway.

NH seems to be slowly slipping to the left. This is probably not due so much to people relocating to the state from other areas, but more likely a function of the media propaganda machine which is just as strong here as anywhere else.

As an example, I have good friends who have lived here forever - classic, good basic folks - do everything yourself, hate taxes, strong property rights advocates, gun owners, etc.. and who clearly don't like what's going on in Mass (or many things that are going on in NH currently), who are from all appearances conservative, but who consistently vote for liberal candidates.

This has always surprised me until I happened to be at their place one day and they had the "news" on. What was the "news"? CNN!!! Need I say more?

Because of my involvement with radio, I am in contact with all sorts of people from all over the country. I've been labeled as a "Massachusetts liberal" (particularly from folks in the South and mid-West) many times just because I happen to be FROM Massachusetts. Most people are rather surprised to find out that I'm not of that ilk.

Anyway, just to make the final point - not everyone who relocates here wants to change the state to be what they left behind. Most folks probably want to come here because, like me, they LIKE what NH has been doing and want to be part of it.

RailroadJoe 07-28-2013 05:52 AM

Ever wonder why so many folks from CT, NJ, MA and other places seem to migrate here to NH? Could be a better place, maybe.

pjard 07-28-2013 06:42 AM

To anyone that thinks we need a broad based tax
I have lived NH, DE, CT and MA over the last 50 years. We just moved back to NH a couple of months ago from CT. For anyone who thinks we need a broad based tax up here just take a look at CT. 20+ years ago they adopted a "temporary" income tax which is now at 6% and the state is TOTALLY dependent on it. By the way, CT still runs a defecit. The lack of a sales tax and income tax forces this state to be effecient. This is a VERY well run state and a great place to live. If you've been here a while you might not realize what we have. For anyone that moves here from out of state and wants a broad based tax that license plate is for you!

RLW 07-28-2013 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by knittaplz (Post 207523)
People need to lighten up. Not only the visitor but also the person who posted this.

A license plate is just a license plate. Nothing more, nothing less. You do not know the back story on it but let's assume it is about tourists. Who among us has not been frustrated with the traffic and many times the rudeness of visitors? Is there any year-round resident here who has not said (at least once) they couldn't wait for the tourists to go home?

Instead of complaining and trying to vilify someone without even knowing them you should have laughed and shared some of your tourist horror stories. Or you could have simply stated the truth, you have no idea what it means nor is it any of your business. knittaplz, I just noticed that you are fairly new to posting on the forum and glad you have joined us. Have fun and enjoy the Winni Forum while making many new friends.

Thanks for your words here on the forum.:)

RLW 07-28-2013 09:02 AM


Originally Posted by dave603 (Post 207577)
I was born and raised in Mass., have lived in N.H. for 35 years now, after spending time in NY, Conn., Texas, Colorado, and places outside the U.S. in the service and for jobs.
I moved here because it was what I wanted for me and the family, the way of life

I resent those that do come here to "get away" from the way things were from where they were at, and then try to make it the same way as it was there.
So all and all, I can see and somewhat agree with what the plate says.

But I also see where the money to support the state infastructure has to come from to support it.
That says, although you may not like them, they are needed for us to be they way we are.


. dave603, I just noticed that you are fairly new to posting on the forum and glad you have joined us. Have fun and enjoy the Winni Forum while making many new friends.

Thanks for your post.:)

IslandRadio 07-28-2013 10:37 AM


Originally Posted by pjard (Post 209022)
I have lived NH, DE, CT and MA over the last 50 years. We just moved back to NH a couple of months ago from CT. For anyone who thinks we need a broad based tax up here just take a look at CT. 20+ years ago they adopted a "temporary" income tax which is now at 6% and the state is TOTALLY dependent on it. By the way, CT still runs a defecit. The lack of a sales tax and income tax forces this state to be effecient. This is a VERY well run state and a great place to live. If you've been here a while you might not realize what we have. For anyone that moves here from out of state and wants a broad based tax that license plate is for you!

Connecticut is TOTALLY out of control tax wise, and otherwise as well in many areas. It used to be such a nice state. I lived there in the 1960s. It sure has changed a lot (for the worse) since then!

Coolbreeze 07-28-2013 01:50 PM

Is it really that offensive??
It should take a lot more than a plate with some words on it, that you can interpret either way, to bother us.
I find it amusing and enjoy the attitude. This is part of the experience of New England that I have grown to enjoy over the last 35 years.
Anybody remember Funny Farm with Chevy Chase? A true movie classic story of how New Englander natives don't like new comers; but eventually things work themselves out...totally classic. My favorite scene was the mailman and the boulder. so don't worry about the message, enjoy the spice of life it adds.

Ropetow 07-28-2013 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by WakeboardMom (Post 209005)
It's easy to say, "Don't change anything," but you do understand that the only constant in life is change...right...? And you do understand that the only way that NH can truly sustain itself is to finally, in some way, enact some type of broad-based tax...yes?

Thankfully, the majority of our political and civic leaders, not to mention year-round residents do not agree with your line of thinking. That's the great thing about America...we have the freedom of movement. If one wants to live in a state with broad-based taxes, has streets paved with gold, free milk and honey for everyone, and no financial worries at all, then one can move there.

Proof that the majority of NH residents do not agree with you? Who was the last NH Governor to be elected without taking The Pledge?

The Eagle 07-29-2013 05:39 AM

I agree..laugh a little
I have seen your plate many times, at the store and walking past your house, and every time I have to chuckle! I think it's cute, it's funny, and not offensive in any way...and YES, I live (full time) out of state.
I have seen way more offensive vanity plates from all over the country, in my life. I can think of many times when we have had company and thought to myself, "Ok, times, up, time to "Go Home!" In fact when we are visiting others, and it's getting late, my wife always says, "OK time to GO Home!"
It is "WHAT YOU READ INTO IT!" It's a joke (maybe, maybe not) but who really cares, and who is it actually offending? NO ONE! It's CUTE, it's Funny, and in many makes sense! Life is too short..chuckle a little, and laugh a lot!"
"The Eagle"

Billy Bob 07-29-2013 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Ropetow (Post 209058)
Thankfully, the majority of our political and civic leaders, not to mention year-round residents do not agree with your line of thinking. That's the great thing about America...we have the freedom of movement. If one wants to live in a state with broad-based taxes, has streets paved with gold, free milk and honey for everyone, and no financial worries at all, then one can move there.

Proof that the majority of NH residents do not agree with you? Who was the last NH Governor to be elected without taking The Pledge?

Seems a lot of folks seem to prefer The Mass way of doing things , population over 6 million , 852 people per sq mile , population increase 1.6 % in last 2 years vs NH with only 1.3 million , a density of 147 per sq mile , 5 th lowest population increase in the country and an average age that is increasing dramatically. if you get away from the lake and see how the locals live in Laconia and Keene it's far from Heaven. It's amazing the number of folks that make their money in the south ,retire to NH and then complain about the place ( MA ) that made it possible for them to move to their idea of Heaven . however we are comparing apples and oranges

songkrai 07-29-2013 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Billy Bob (Post 209116)
if you get away from the lake and see how the locals live in Laconia and Keene it's far from Heaven. It's amazing the number of folks that make their money in the south ,retire to NH and then complain about the place ( MA ) that made it possible for them to move to their idea of Heaven .

Good point. They seem to bite the nose of the horse that feeds them.

MAXUM 07-30-2013 01:52 PM

There is no state in the union that is immune from poverty and folks that are living in shall we say less that ideal conditions. MA is no different than NH, just get out of the eastern part of the state (Boston area) and you'll find plenty of that going on.

Fact is NH has always been a little oasis of sanity from a fiscal and political standpoint for a long time, but over the years with the influx of many from surrounding states, NOT JUST MA, that is beginning to change. For many of us natives, we're not so much adverse to change provided it is for the common good and is not going to fundamentally change the way of life we've grown accustomed to and like just he way it is. Some just happen to be more outspoken about it then others. Frankly I understand that much of the NH economy is based on tourists and non-resident land owners. I personally don't be-grudge any folks that want to come here and enjoy it here. However that said, obnoxious and rude tourists, sure go home, your money isn't worth the bad behavior you bring. I've met a good number of my neighbors on Bear Island, most hail from MA, CT, NY, NJ and beyond, and are some of the nicest folks I have ever met. Take that a step further, many on this very forum are not from NH, yet are awesome, friendly and helpful. So to paint a broad brush and tell everyone not from NH to go home is ignorant and dare I say shameful - at the same time there are the few that do deserve to hear not only that, but a don't come back either! ;)

Happy Gourmand 07-30-2013 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by songkrai (Post 209125)
Good point. They seem to bite the nose of the horse that feeds them.

Huh? :) Is this a Yogiism?

ITD 07-30-2013 03:11 PM


Originally Posted by Billy Bob (Post 209116)
Seems a lot of folks seem to prefer The Mass way of doing things , population over 6 million , 852 people per sq mile , population increase 1.6 % in last 2 years vs NH with only 1.3 million , a density of 147 per sq mile , 5 th lowest population increase in the country and an average age that is increasing dramatically. if you get away from the lake and see how the locals live in Laconia and Keene it's far from Heaven. It's amazing the number of folks that make their money in the south ,retire to NH and then complain about the place ( MA ) that made it possible for them to move to their idea of Heaven . however we are comparing apples and oranges

I don't believe there are any "sanctuary" cities in NH, which probably wholly accounts for the low population increase in NH and the high increase in Massachusetts.

On another note, gas prices increase tomorrow thanks to our liberal legislature and their tax increase, that should stimulate the economy more, the NH economy that is.....

brk-lnt 07-30-2013 03:22 PM

I went to order a custom plate today, but "GET LOST STUPID TOURIST" was too long to fit.

MAXUM 07-30-2013 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by ITD (Post 209199)
On another note, gas prices increase tomorrow thanks to our liberal legislature and their tax increase, that should stimulate the economy more, the NH economy that is.....

Sure about that?

ITD 07-30-2013 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by MAXUM (Post 209212)

I should have been more clear, Massachusetts is increasing its gas tax....

MAXUM 07-31-2013 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by ITD (Post 209220)
I should have been more clear, Massachusetts is increasing its gas tax....

Oh well in that case, I mean a tax increase in MA? Shocking! Not sure that is as much of a boon to the NH economy as you'd think. Sure some may travel over the border to save paying the increase but for most that's just not practical. Frankly I think MA should introduce a hybrid car tax instead of increasing the gas tax.

The real cash cow in NH is the liquor stores. I'm surprised they don't have one on the big lake complete with docks. ;)

tom-sr230 07-31-2013 09:22 AM

vice tax
I don't smoke but I think the tax on cigarettes went up a dollar today in mass.,
I know people who smoke and drive just over the border to buy them..
I fuel up each weekend in N.H.before I drive home because it is cheaper.
I also buy beer in N.H. if I need it while I am up here..

ITD 07-31-2013 12:21 PM

I'm headed back to Mass. today, just gassed up here, might be on fumes by the time I get back, but I think I'll risk it. BTW, the gas tax is a "progressive" tax that is linked to inflation, meaning it will perpetually increase and the cowards won't have to vote on it again.....

SAMIAM 08-06-2013 10:20 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's one that represents most of the locals that I know.

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