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wifi 04-07-2016 05:29 AM

Forum Gets a New Look
I'm pretty much the run of the mill user. Log in, hit "new posts", to capture what I have missed, read the interesting, non controversial topics, hit "new posts" again to see if something posted while I was reading, then "mark forums read". Been doing this for years and years.

I can't put a date on it, but sometime in the last year or so, not all threads with new posts show up with "new posts". I am only aware of new posts because I am subscribed to that particular thread and can follow the link in the email to get in. I don't know of any ignore thread option that I might have hit in error.

Anyone else seen this?

Phantom 04-07-2016 06:58 AM

Forum Gets a New Look
Nice Don,

Love the new "statistics" bar that is at the top of the forum when you first log in now. It enlightened me to see, though I know I comment (post) too much, it's seems a far cry from Rattlesnake Gal !! :D:D:eek:


chipj29 04-07-2016 07:58 AM


Originally Posted by wifi (Post 259880)
I'm pretty much the run of the mill user. Log in, hit "new posts", to capture what I have missed, read the interesting, non controversial topics, hit "new posts" again to see if something posted while I was reading, then "mark forums read". Been doing this for years and years.

I can't put a date on it, but sometime in the last year or so, not all threads with new posts show up with "new posts". I am only aware of new posts because I am subscribed to that particular thread and can follow the link in the email to get in. I don't know of any ignore thread option that I might have hit in error.

Anyone else seen this?

I view the forum in the same manner as you, using the "New Posts" option. For a time, posts in threads in the Lake Issues sub-forum did not show up, so I would have to go to that section individually. Then for the last year or so, all posts showed up under "New Posts", including the threads in the Lake Issues section.

And thanks to you for mentioning this, I just noticed that the new posts in the Lake Issues sub-forum no longer show up when I click New Posts.

Rattletrap 04-07-2016 08:33 AM

new look

Originally Posted by Phantom (Post 259884)
Nice Don,

Love the new "statistics" bar that is at the top of the forum when you first log in now. It enlightened me to see, though I know I comment (post) too much, it's seems a far cry from Rattlesnake Gal !! :D:D:eek:


I don't see it am I just missing it Phantom?

Phantom 04-07-2016 08:42 AM

OH Crap -- it disappeared from my home landing screen now

Don - You messin with my tiny brain ?


tis 04-07-2016 09:07 AM

Don't worry, Phantom. I had it too and it is now gone.

webmaster 04-07-2016 09:21 AM

I've been testing that module and I took it down so I could make a few small changes. I wasn't sure if members would like it or if it just introduced more clutter. I'll reactivate it now and keep it running if you like it. Only members who are logged in can see it.

Pineedles 04-07-2016 09:50 AM

:DLooks like the Webmaster was listening. I like the new Header!
Thanks Don.

Slickcraft 04-07-2016 10:15 AM

I normally go to Quick Links and then Today's Posts. I see that the new module has a direct link to Today's Posts so this is one less step.
And after choosing Today's Posts the statistics module goes away.

So I'm good with the new module, a quick status summary and a direct link to new posts.

webmaster 04-07-2016 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by Slickcraft (Post 259904)
after choosing Today's Posts the statistics module goes away.

It doesn't really go away, it only shows on the main forum index page. If you return there you'll see it.

SIKSUKR 04-07-2016 12:41 PM

Holy crap, I'm only 500 posts behind the leader RG! I have a Winni forum problem.:eek:

Phantom 04-07-2016 03:09 PM


Sadly I noticed that I am climbing up and catching our beloved Webmaster and he had a three year head start!! :laugh:

Gotta find me a new hobby for sure


JasonG 04-07-2016 03:21 PM

I think it is a great idea. One thing I dislike about forums is the difficulty of seeing your own thread that you start or are part of. An easy reference to any of this information when you log in is a great!

wifi 04-08-2016 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 259885)
I view the forum in the same manner as you, using the "New Posts" option. For a time, posts in threads in the Lake Issues sub-forum did not show up, so I would have to go to that section individually. Then for the last year or so, all posts showed up under "New Posts", including the threads in the Lake Issues section.

And thanks to you for mentioning this, I just noticed that the new posts in the Lake Issues sub-forum no longer show up when I click New Posts.

Thanks Chip, I'm not getting senile, lol. The forum section I'm having the most problems with is "general issues"

pjard 04-08-2016 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by webmaster (Post 259897)
I've been testing that module and I took it down so I could make a few small changes. I wasn't sure if members would like it or if it just introduced more clutter. I'll reactivate it now and keep it running if you like it. Only members who are logged in can see it.

Is it possible to list forum members by date joined? Like and oldest to newest member?

Senter Cove Guy 04-10-2016 10:11 PM

Sorting Forum Members By Date Joined
Try this:
1. Go to Members List
2. Select Search Members
3. Select Advanced Search
4. Scroll down to Options
5. Select Order Results by Join Date
6. Select In Ascending Order
7. Select a high number of Users Per Page
8. Hit Search Now
9. Select member and look at their Mini Statistics on the right to see join date

After you do this once you'll probably never do it again.

ApS 04-11-2016 03:56 AM

Try This at Home...

Originally Posted by chipj29 (Post 259885)
I view the forum in the same manner as you, using the "New Posts" option. For a time, posts in threads in the Lake Issues sub-forum did not show up, so I would have to go to that section individually. Then for the last year or so, all posts showed up under "New Posts", including the threads in the Lake Issues section. And thanks to you for mentioning this, I just noticed that the new posts in the Lake Issues sub-forum no longer show up when I click New Posts.

You can't go straight to "New Posts" in your browser anyway, so a click on "Lake Issues" will allow you to click on "New Posts" without delay.

I use the following URL to instantly initiate the forum from my browser's toolbar and, for the most part, ignore "Lake Issues".


wifi 04-11-2016 05:13 PM

Thanks APS, I have been missing lots :( Who would have guessed clicking new posts only checks certain forum threads. I'll be loading every section and do new posts from now on, going to burn a lot of bytes and reaching EOL a lot faster.....

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