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IslandRadio 05-28-2012 07:22 AM

Who would do such a thing????
Sunday morning of the Memorial Day Weekend, I was heading into West Alton Marina where we keep our boat when we're not on the island. There was a boat in front of me going exceedingly slow (ok, no biggie), and I was getting a little close (about 30 feet away).

The guy driving the boat hung his arm out over the side, and I figured maybe he was going to signal me to back off or something like that. All of a sudden, he drops something into the water - say WHAT????

So, I approached the object, and discovered it was a CIGARETTE BUTT!!! Unbelievable??!!!:confused::confused::confused: :eek: I was really steamed.

The guy pulled up to the gas dock (very very likely not a WAM "resident"), so when I went past the gas dock, I got the bow number.

I'm wondering if there is some way I could report this. It was only him and me - no other witnesses to the crime. It was one of the most unbelievable things I've ever seen up here. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing.

no-engine 05-28-2012 07:49 AM

Unfortunately, inappropriate disposal of smoking materials, and other items, is everywhere. Littering all waterways, the highways & back roads, peaceful conservation lands and their hiking trails. We can go on and on.

I'm not familiar with littering laws on waterways, BUT there are.
I'd ask manager at your marina, as smoking is especially dangerous near the fuel pumps. I've seen reports of explosions at auto fuel pumps and the results of explosion at marina fueling docks! Quite scary.

We often see signs on roads, and we can report another.

Every winter, I am especially troubled to see the ice fishing people litter so much! Try to police that!!!
Also the ice auto racing fans and all who go out on the ice! You would not believe what people leave on ice!

LadyJane 05-28-2012 08:21 AM

It has always boggled my mind that people go to places like lakes and parks because they are so beautiful and then leave their ugly rubbish behind.....soda cans, fast food containers, cigarette butts, etc. It just doesn't make any sense.

RailroadJoe 05-28-2012 08:37 AM

And they blame the teenagers in Wolfeboro. They are all around us and they breed.

Jeanzb1 05-28-2012 09:55 AM

A complete PIG. I would definitely try to follow-up and get his name and address and either report him to whoever or, at the very least, send him a nasty letter. An imbecile and jerks like him are ruining the quality of the lake.

MAXUM 05-28-2012 11:17 AM

Know what that is? It's a total and complete lack of respect is what it is. Surprising to see this now a days, not really. How sad is that. Ya know I'm not exactly very old, OK just turned the big 40 - but really relatively 'young' and will never admit to acting like a grown up per say. Anyways, my parents were about the best role models I could have ever dreamed of having, my Dad ruled with an iron fist and taught us right and wrong, my Mom taught us to be kind, compassionate, think of others before yourself, be thankful for the blessings you have and most of all work hard and respect others. All very simple attributes to teach and I struggle every day as a parent to pass that same set of values off to my children. The sad thing is that much of this is lost in today's society which is teaching self indulgence. There is no more respect for others or even the law unless you get caught. I am so often appalled at the way people behave in public, dress in public and so forth. It's no surprise that more and more places are being closed off to the public because folks now a days can't appreciate what is provided and have the decency and respect enough to leave it at least the way they found it.

It's not just kids either, my gosh I work in a professional environment and I won't even dare use the kitchen area at work it's so filthy and disgusting. It's not to say that everyone is like that, but a growing segment of the population is like this and I find it sad. Like a previous posting says, places like the lake, the mountains, parks and recreational areas attract people because of their natural beauty, why anyone would purposely leave trash, dog crap, etc.. behind is beyond me. If they are so into that maybe their next vacation should be at the local land fill! Ironically often times the ones that create the problems are the same ones that complain so much about why they have limited or lost access to places that were once open to the public! They can't even see it's a result of their own behavior!

OK off my soap box... :rolleye2:

HomeWood 05-28-2012 11:57 AM

You can report it, but there isn't anything that can be done. MP is not going to go issue him a citation for it simply based on your observation (bummer, I know). I guess if they felt froggy they could call him and warn him in the hopes that he won't do it again. I can say with confidence that there most likely is not a secret log of bow numbers and violation complaints to go with them either. I've been in law enforcement for 11 years and we get a lot of similar reports where nothing can be done with them. We appreciate the concerned citizen calls of course, but there isn't much that can be done with he said she said kinds of things.

I've written littering citations and they are over $400 here in NC. That includes cigarette butts.

Let's say you saw him hit another boat causing damage and you witnessed it. Then MP could make a charge based off your observation and the evidence that it happened.

boat_guy64 05-28-2012 03:20 PM

I was driving through PA a few years ago and when I entered the state they had a big sign with an 800 number that asked you to report cigarette butts being thrown from cars. I thought that was a good idea because I hate all litter.

Anyone that litters is a pig and I often take the time to tell them so...

surfnsnow 05-28-2012 04:15 PM

this seems to be a particularly nasty thread. this day was set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. i guess it's easy to point out those that behave in ways we don't like but i also believe some of those that have sacrificed smoked , maybe didn't pick up after thier dog and god forbid went by someone closer than 150' on plane. i guess the next time i see someone carelessly throw their waste into the lake , instead of recording their bow number and calling the marine patrol i'll just stop my boat and fish it out and add it to my trash.

secondcurve 05-28-2012 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by surfnsnow (Post 182790)
this seems to be a particularly nasty thread. this day was set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. i guess it's easy to point out those that behave in ways we don't like but i also believe some of those that have sacrificed smoked , maybe didn't pick up after thier dog and god forbid went by someone closer than 150' on plane. i guess the next time i see someone carelessly throw their waste into the lake , instead of recording their bow number and calling the marine patrol i'll just stop my boat and fish it out and add it to my trash.

These are two totally different concepts Surfnsnow. I support our Veterans but I also dislike cigarette smokers who feel they can throw their buts anywhere they like. These two topics are not intertwined.

IslandRadio 05-28-2012 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by surfnsnow (Post 182790)
this seems to be a particularly nasty thread. this day was set aside to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. i guess it's easy to point out those that behave in ways we don't like but i also believe some of those that have sacrificed smoked , maybe didn't pick up after thier dog and god forbid went by someone closer than 150' on plane. i guess the next time i see someone carelessly throw their waste into the lake , instead of recording their bow number and calling the marine patrol i'll just stop my boat and fish it out and add it to my trash.

We're not talking about a bit of carelessness, or minor annoyances or someone doing something we "don't like".. we are talking about blatant, unmitigated, and unnecessary abuse of our shared resources for absolutely no reason other than the perpetrator was lazy.

I was on my way to drive 2+ hours to be part of a Memorial Day parade to honor those who have indeed made the ultimate sacrifice - which probably made the infraction seem even more distasteful at the time... sorry if this was offensive to you. None was meant.

Jonas Pilot 05-28-2012 07:34 PM

Calm down! You're stressing yourself out way too much. Wrong intensions can cause severe anxiety. It's done. Breath deep ... let it go. Exhale ...

Jeanzb1 05-28-2012 08:57 PM

Sorry, I disagree. It is downright arrogant and disrespectful to litter this magnificent lake. What if everyone flicked cigarette butts and beer cans into the lake? Should we just ignore it and "calm down?" I feel it's up to each and every single one of us to respect and preserve the lake, and I also feel that we have a solemn responsibility to not look the other way when something like this happens, but, rather, to bring it to their attention with the hope that it never happens again.

Belmont Resident 05-29-2012 05:54 AM

Happens all the time on land & water
Unfortunately it happens all the time just about anywhere. People who smoke have some of the cleanest ash trays around.
Why would you think someone who smokes and throws their butts on the ground is going to stop chucking their butts just because they get on water?
I grew up with 2 parents that smoked and out of 4 of us only one turned out to be a smoker and he started after he married a smoker.
Personally I never could see the reasoning for smoking but that’s is me, I’ve seen many a really attractive woman put a cigarette into her mouth and for me the beauty just disappeared and she becomes unappealing.
One of the reasons I would never hire help for my business is I cannot discriminate, and I would never hire and work around someone who smokes.
If my wife and I are at a function or get together where there is smoking and we have to mingle with those who smoke we generally find a reason to leave as early as possible.

tis 05-29-2012 06:25 AM

Someone recently stuffed two big hand fulls in our mailbox. I opened it and it there they were! Nice!!!

dippasan 05-29-2012 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by IslandRadio (Post 182759)
Sunday morning of the Memorial Day Weekend, I was heading into West Alton Marina where we keep our boat when we're not on the island. There was a boat in front of me going exceedingly slow (ok, no biggie), and I was getting a little close (about 30 feet away).

The guy driving the boat hung his arm out over the side, and I figured maybe he was going to signal me to back off or something like that. All of a sudden, he drops something into the water - say WHAT????

So, I approached the object, and discovered it was a CIGARETTE BUTT!!! Unbelievable??!!!:confused::confused::confused: :eek: I was really steamed.

The guy pulled up to the gas dock (very very likely not a WAM "resident"), so when I went past the gas dock, I got the bow number.

I'm wondering if there is some way I could report this. It was only him and me - no other witnesses to the crime. It was one of the most unbelievable things I've ever seen up here. I can't imagine anyone doing such a thing.

What a shame! That would have ticked me off also. When I'm out on the lake and see things floating I make a point to pick them up. I've picked up lumber, buckets and just yesterday a trash bag. I know this stuff accidentally finds it's way into the lake so to see someone deliberately do that would pi$$ me off. I hate seeing drivers throw butts out the window of their cars. I've seen drivers dump out there ash trays at stop lights. I've even picked up butts outside my home the morning after a party. It would be like me throwing my empty beer cans on your lawn while I'm partying at your home.

I just don't get it

BroadHopper 05-29-2012 09:24 AM

$150 fine
For littering NH highways has not changed since the 50's. I believe it should be raised to $1000 or something like that. Make people aware that littering is serious business. I would not be surprise if the State of NH and local govts. spend big bucks in litter cleanup. The $1K fine will help clean up NH. I would even go as far as extending the littering law to go further than highways to off road. Anywhere in NH.

cillovely 05-29-2012 09:33 AM

That's just horrible! My first thought is what if some poor fish thought it was a tasty bug and eats it! Not to mention what it does to ruin the beauty of the lake itself. Out on the Charles river here this past weekend, you can see all sorts of crap floating that just ends up in there (some of the sewer drains in the city go right to it) or I'm sure some of the jerks on thier boats just dump it in. I'm always all over my 4 year old son to take all the trash on the boat and put in a nice safe wind free spot so we can get rid of it at home.

I always love when I'm riding my Harley and some jerk dumps his lit butt out of his car and it flies right at me!

Lately I find myself hating more and more people. I guess I'm getting old :)

Belmont Resident 05-29-2012 10:33 AM

Yup me 2

Originally Posted by cillovely (Post 182827)
That's just horrible! My first thought is what if some poor fish thought it was a tasty bug and eats it! Not to mention what it does to ruin the beauty of the lake itself. Out on the Charles river here this past weekend, you can see all sorts of crap floating that just ends up in there (some of the sewer drains in the city go right to it) or I'm sure some of the jerks on thier boats just dump it in. I'm always all over my 4 year old son to take all the trash on the boat and put in a nice safe wind free spot so we can get rid of it at home.

I always love when I'm riding my Harley and some jerk dumps his lit butt out of his car and it flies right at me!

Lately I find myself hating more and more people. I guess I'm getting old :)

Things that I used to just say what a jerk now seem to piss me off more.
Old age!!! :(
Broad hopper when is the last time you saw a law enforcement enforce the litter law. Or for that matter half the laws on the books. :rolleye2:
Speeding yup, reckless driving yes, DWI yes, loud exhaust cars& bikes nope, littering NEVER. :eek:

BroadHopper 05-29-2012 11:09 AM

Agree with BR
Law enforcement is pretty narrow to speeding, DUI etc. It takes a citizen arrest to nab littering. Ever notice how hard a citizen arrest can stand up in court. practically nada.

Greene's Basin Girl 05-29-2012 11:24 AM


Originally Posted by tis (Post 182814)
Someone recently stuffed two big hand fulls in our mailbox. I opened it and it there they were! Nice!!!

That is totally disgusting!

tis 05-29-2012 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Green's Basin Girl (Post 182834)
That is totally disgusting!

Thank you. That was my reaction exactly! It almost made me sick for some crazy reason. I thought I was overreacting so it makes me feel better that you agree. :)

Jeanzb1 05-29-2012 02:40 PM

No, you are not overreacting at all. How 'bout this one.....I recall an incident about 25 years ago in a parking lot where the guy parked next to me dumped his ashtray out on the pavement. I saw this slob do this because I was standing there waiting for him to close his door so that I could open mine. His driver's side window was rolled down, so I bent down and scooped up as many dirty butts as I could grab at once and dumped them back through the window and onto his lap. I don't remember the exchange of words that followed, but I didn't care. Most of the time it feels good to stand up for your principles!

Treerider 05-29-2012 03:27 PM

Wait!!! you saw the hand drop the butt, you went and looked at the butt, then went to see the boat and write down the numbers off the were(are) outraged, but you FAILED to pick up the butt, failed to deliver it to the offender, by hand, failed to deliver the verbal reprimand in PUBLIC....and now you come here and whine about it, hoping that someone ELSE will deal with the problem.....maybe make a new LAW??
As far as I am concerned, you are part of the .02 worth...

Jeanzb1 05-29-2012 04:19 PM

Are you talking to me (jeanzb1) or are you talking to IslandRadio?

NoBozo 05-29-2012 04:57 PM

Just A Thought
I would be VERY Hesitant to confront an individual over something as trivial (Your Choice) as a little trash dump (even a bag) on the water/road...Particularly on the Road. That perpetrator might just be low life enough to respond with a GUN. Things are a little different now than they were a few years ago. Just Sayin. :look: NB

PS: I would just go over and pick up the trash and be on my others have suggested...

IslandRadio 05-29-2012 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by Treerider (Post 182855)
Wait!!! you saw the hand drop the butt, you went and looked at the butt, then went to see the boat and write down the numbers off the were(are) outraged, but you FAILED to pick up the butt, failed to deliver it to the offender, by hand, failed to deliver the verbal reprimand in PUBLIC....and now you come here and whine about it, hoping that someone ELSE will deal with the problem.....maybe make a new LAW??
As far as I am concerned, you are part of the .02 worth...

Judge, judge, judge (and jury and executioner). Maybe you would have said something - maybe not. You weren't there in the situation and with a tight deadline to meet (to march in a Memorial day parade) at that time of day.

There are many good reasons you might NOT have made a scene. The first and foremost is, it is your word against his. All sorts of things come to mind under this scenario, which I won't enumerate.

The object in question was, unfortunately, well out of reach and too close to shore to grab from the boat. I did think I could get it, but not the case. I pick stuff out of the water all the time - mostly floating boards and the like. I actually never see trash on the water.

Jeanzb1 05-29-2012 05:53 PM

Good response, Island Radio! This has been an interesting thread, and perhaps there are some litterbugs out there who will now think twice before throwing trash from the boat and out the car window. It is indeed a blight on our landscape, and I, for one, have ZERO TOLERANCE for it.

Alton Bay 05-29-2012 08:50 PM

There are ice fishermen who leave all sorts of litter on the ice by my house and I can only imagine what their toilet facilities are in the winter. People fret all the time about holding tanks on boats but, what about our winter time visitors? Yuck.

Belmont Resident 05-30-2012 06:41 AM

Ha, ha your kidding

Originally Posted by Jeanzb1 (Post 182866)
Good response, Island Radio! This has been an interesting thread, and perhaps there are some litterbugs out there who will now think twice before throwing trash from the boat and out the car window. It is indeed a blight on our landscape, and I, for one, have ZERO TOLERANCE for it.

People who litter don’t care when, where or how they just throw it out.
Even if their name, or boat description were posted I seriously doubt it would make any difference at all. Once a slob always a slob :cool:
I could never be mistaken for someone who litter’s, one look inside my truck would be enough. Bout do for my annual cleanout!! :eek:

SAMIAM 05-30-2012 07:29 AM

Maybe Winnidiver can comment on this, but I've heard that in some areas popular with ice fishermen, there are pyramids of hundreds of beer cans and bottles .....just thinking .....6 beers a day per person.......3 in the bobhouse plus least 10 weeks of fishing (mostly on weekends) = 360 beers

upthesaukee 05-30-2012 07:44 AM

This was true in the 50's and 60's
My folks had a place in Two Pines Trailer park back in those times and we would go out SCUBA diving. There were piles of beer cans, in pyramids, in certain areas. It amazed us back then how they could come to the same location year after year, well before GPS. The debris (nice word for litter) had varying degrees of silt and junk on them. Probably just did a good job with the compass and landmarks on land. Bottom line (no pun intended), Samiam is correct. There are pyramids of cans and bottles on the bottom that I am sure today look like boulders on a fishfinder. :(:rolleye1:

GsChinadoll 05-30-2012 08:43 AM

Litter not just Unsightly
I think the problem getting people to stop tossing their butts out windows or off the sides of boats or even just dropping them on the ground is that most don't care if it's UGLY or think it's UNSIGHTLY because they are small. What they all don't realize is the point of the filters are to filter.... all the carcinogenic chemicals, poisons etc. from filling up your lungs. When they throw them on the ground and they get washed along the sides of the roads or trails and in the water all of those chemicals leach into the water supply. Chemicals and poisons that would not be allowed in the fertilizers that every one is concerned about. All the thousands and thousands of cigarette butts along our highways, side streets, on our beaches in the sand, all releasing chemicals known to cause cancer. :eek: This is not a problem that just "ruins the view" of wherever we happen to be. I would rather pick up a grocery bag or beer can any day. Personally, I don't understand why people join gyms when they could get some gloves and a stick with a nail on it and walk around bending and stabbing at all of the litter these "intelligent animals" have left behind. Unfortunately, the chemicals have already leached out of the "butts" even if we clean the streets. :( Smoking cigarettes should be outlawed. Period. My two cents... I'll stop now.

white mountains 05-30-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by IslandRadio (Post 182759)
I'm wondering if there is some way I could report this. It was only him and me - no other witnesses to the crime.

It may be too late now, but....

If there is a littering law on the books in NH, all you have to do is call the police department and make a complaint against the offender. They will ask you to make a report, and then will proceed to enforce the law.

I had a similar experience. I was driving slowly down a rural highway and noticed someone behind me in my mirror. The passenger threw a coffee cup out the window into the ditch. I let the car pass me, got his plate number and vehicle description, and turned around to retrieve the cup. When I got home I called the police and made a complaint. The cop said the only way to bring a charge against the offender was if I agreed to appear in court as a witness. I said no problem and that I still had the cup in a zip lock bag. He sent the guy a ticket for $250. Just like a traffic ticket, if you fail to pay and want to contest, it goes to court. I never got a call, so I assume the guy paid the ticket.

BroadHopper 05-30-2012 10:17 AM

The guy got a ticket for $250? Must have a town ordinance that increase the fine from the state's $150.

I actually witness someone passing me on I-93 before the rest stop in Northfield. When the car pulled in front of me, he was weaving a bit and toss the ashes from his ash tray out the window. At the same time a statie was passing me. There is no way the trooper did not see this offense, yet he continued down the highway.

Gearhead 05-30-2012 11:47 AM

I've got the solution
I said it before a few years back. Add a buck to each pack of cigs and the smokers can get their money back at .05 for each butt they return. If they don't want to pick them up, someone else will gladly do it for a nice profit. We don't see as much cans and bottles around as we did before the bottle bill.

BroadHopper 05-30-2012 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by Gearhead (Post 182900)
I said it before a few years back. Add a buck to each pack of cigs and the smokers can get their money back at .05 for each butt they return. If they don't want to pick them up, someone else will gladly do it for a nice profit. We don't see as much cans and bottles around as we did before the bottle bill.

Sounds like an excellent idea, maybe FLL will chime in on this! :emb:

Belmont Resident 05-30-2012 02:52 PM

Good point

Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 182903)
Sounds like an excellent idea, maybe FLL will chime in on this! :emb:

I've often wished that the bottle refund was nation wide. With so many returnable bottles available. We save all of our returnable’s and return them when we go to Maine.
Unfortunately all the other bottle and can’s get tossed out with the trash.
I can't tell you how much I throw out because Belmont chooses not to recycle, and I'll be damned if I'm going to drive all the way almost to Tilton to recycle.
Sad thing is the Gilmanton transfer station is just down the road, they refused to take my bottles and can’s because I was not a resident. It made no sense because Gilmanton is big on recycling and it wasn’t like I wanted to drop off anything else as we have curbside pick on trash but Belmont voted down curbside recycle.

NoBozo 05-30-2012 06:29 PM

Speaking Of Recycling
You CAN'T make this up:

In Rhode Island we just got a notice Today from ""

Quote: "It's OK to MIX all your Recyclables Together". ....That means cans, bottles, plastics, aluminum, cardboard, newsprint, magazines, ..."MIX it Up..And don't worry..mixing is a good thing! Our new recycling facility will do the rest. Disregard the numbers and the triangles". ............I am not making this up.

MIX: As an Engineer, I know you can't recycle cardboard combined with plastic...OR glass...OR aluminum....Yada Yada....NO MIX...

Maybe there is a Green Person with some Engineering background that can explain this to me...........How do you MIX aluminum with Cardboard..?? .:look: :look: :look: NAH: There is No Such Thing. Ticked OFF at this BS...?? YES ...TOTALLY. NB

upthesaukee 05-30-2012 07:28 PM

Actually they don't recycle everything together...
Everything is collected together and brought to a recycling center. There the products are separated into their respective types. Various metals are separated by material type, ditto for chip paper vs cardboard, plastics by type, etc. .

Thought process is that if people do not have to separate the items at their home or business, they will recycle more.

P-3 Guy 05-30-2012 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by NoBozo (Post 182938)
You CAN'T make this up:

In Rhode Island we just got a notice Today from ""

Quote: "It's OK to MIX all your Recyclables Together". ....That means cans, bottles, plastics, aluminum, cardboard, newsprint, magazines, ..."MIX it Up..And don't worry..mixing is a good thing! Our new recycling facility will do the rest. Disregard the numbers and the triangles". ............I am not making this up.

MIX: As an Engineer, I know you can't recycle cardboard combined with plastic...OR glass...OR aluminum....Yada Yada....NO MIX...

Maybe there is a Green Person with some Engineering background that can explain this to me...........How do you MIX aluminum with Cardboard..?? .:look: :look: :look: NAH: There is No Such Thing. Ticked OFF at this BS...?? YES ...TOTALLY. NB

It's called single stream recycling, and it's fairly common. No need to be ticked off.

secondcurve 05-31-2012 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 182920)
I've often wished that the bottle refund was nation wide. With so many returnable bottles available. We save all of our returnable’s and return them when we go to Maine.
Unfortunately all the other bottle and can’s get tossed out with the trash.
I can't tell you how much I throw out because Belmont chooses not to recycle, and I'll be damned if I'm going to drive all the way almost to Tilton to recycle.
Sad thing is the Gilmanton transfer station is just down the road, they refused to take my bottles and can’s because I was not a resident. It made no sense because Gilmanton is big on recycling and it wasn’t like I wanted to drop off anything else as we have curbside pick on trash but Belmont voted down curbside recycle.

No recycling in Belmont? There isn't a transfer station?

Jeanzb1 05-31-2012 07:32 AM

Gilford participates in single-stream recycling, also.

Winnisquamguy 05-31-2012 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 182920)
I've often wished that the bottle refund was nation wide. With so many returnable bottles available. We save all of our returnable’s and return them when we go to Maine.

You better be careful because what you are doing is illegal. There was a sting setup to catch one guy doing this more here

IslandRadio 05-31-2012 08:12 AM


Originally Posted by Winnisquamguy (Post 182974)
You better be careful because what you are doing is illegal. There was a sting setup to catch one guy doing this more here

I can see the headline now: A Belmont Resident was arrested for illegally recycling New Hampshire bottles in Maine. A Maine state police spokesman told reporters "We mobilized our BFIU (Bottle Fraud Investigative Unit). We've been tracking New Hampshire bottles for several years, trying to locate the source." . . . Extradition proceedings are underway. :D:D:D:D:D

Seriously, I'm sure there's some spill-over of New Hampshire bottles to Maine, but the whole thing really does have more than an element of humor!

BroadHopper 05-31-2012 08:31 AM

Single stream recycling
I heard on TV that much of our recycled trash, especially motor vehicles are hauled off to China where the chinese sort the trash for pennies a day. The Chinese will processed the raw goods and sell it back to us for huge profits.

If you read the instruction materials for single stream recycling, there are a few things to keep in mind. No plastic bags, empty cardboard cartons and break them down, clean orginic materials from all products.

I see too many folks ignore the rules and dump away! I honestly think we are not that lazy!

NoBozo 05-31-2012 09:13 AM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 182953)
It's called single stream recycling, and it's fairly common. No need to be ticked off.

I think this statement from your link under "Possible Disadvantages" ...makes perfect sense.

"Potential for diminished public confidence if more recyclables are destined for landfill disposal due to contamination or un-marketability".

Our town transfer station has required users to seperate the stuff for YEARS now. This stuff in the Blue Box, that stuff in the Green Box, and the other stuff in the garbage compactor. I have been a willing participant since the beginning. (We Pay $125/year for this "Privilage".) NOW I am Out Of A Job which I did for FREE. NOW they will have to HIRE someone to sort the stuff...AFTER it is thoroughly MIXED. This gives new meaning to Shovel Ready..:D :D NB

Winnisquamguy 05-31-2012 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by IslandRadio (Post 182977)
I can see the headline now: A Belmont Resident was arrested for illegally recycling New Hampshire bottles in Maine. A Maine state police spokesman told reporters "We mobilized our BFIU (Bottle Fraud Investigative Unit). We've been tracking New Hampshire bottles for several years, trying to locate the source." . . . Extradition proceedings are underway. :D:D:D:D:D

Seriously, I'm sure there's some spill-over of New Hampshire bottles to Maine, but the whole thing really does have more than an element of humor!

If you read the article he spent 3 days in jail and was fined 10K...yes he was a business owner but he was being watched for some time before they arrested him if I remember correctly.

VitaBene 05-31-2012 11:10 AM

Single Stream
There are great videos on youtube re. single stream recycling. It only requires one or two sorters at the end.

P-3 Guy 05-31-2012 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by NoBozo (Post 182985)
I think this statement from your link under "Possible Disadvantages" ...makes perfect sense.

"Potential for diminished public confidence if more recyclables are destined for landfill disposal due to contamination or un-marketability".

Our town transfer station has required users to seperate the stuff for YEARS now. This stuff in the Blue Box, that stuff in the Green Box, and the other stuff in the garbage compactor. I have been a willing participant since the beginning. (We Pay $125/year for this "Privilage".) NOW I am Out Of A Job which I did for FREE. NOW they will have to HIRE someone to sort the stuff...AFTER it is thoroughly MIXED. This gives new meaning to Shovel Ready..:D :D NB

Almost all of the sorting is done with automated systems. The recyclers have a monetary incentive to do as good a sorting job as possible to get the greatest possible amount of recyclable material. You and I may do a great job of sorting at home or the local transfer station, but there are plenty of people out there who mess it up, or simply can't be bothered to sort and therefore more ends up in the landfill. I think the bottom line is, single stream recycling gets more stuff recycled.

IslandRadio 05-31-2012 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Winnisquamguy (Post 182986)
If you read the article he spent 3 days in jail and was fined 10K...yes he was a business owner but he was being watched for some time before they arrested him if I remember correctly.

Those guys were definitely scamming the system big time, and were fairly well organized about it, too, and knew exactly what they were doing (well, more or less!).

BroadHopper 05-31-2012 12:51 PM

Undercover Boss

Originally Posted by VitaBene (Post 182992)
There are great videos on youtube re. single stream recycling. It only requires one or two sorters at the end.

I remember seeing an episode when the WM boss tried to sort out the recycled stuff. It was a b!tch of a job!

NoBozo 05-31-2012 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 182993)
Almost all of the sorting is done with automated systems. The recyclers have a monetary incentive to do as good a sorting job as possible to get the greatest possible amount of recyclable material. You and I may do a great job of sorting at home or the local transfer station, but there are plenty of people out there who mess it up, or simply can't be bothered to sort and therefore more ends up in the landfill. I think the bottom line is, single stream recycling gets more stuff recycled.

I remember now. :look: We had a VERY Liberal And totally GREEN (Environmentalist) friend down the street who did NOT sort. Go figure. I took her stuff to the compactor once when her husband was recovering from an operation. I asked her for the cans and bottles. There was NO Green box or Blue box for her. :rolleye1: Everything was in One plastic bag. NB

BroadHopper 05-31-2012 02:48 PM

GREEN people
Funny they think they can be so snobby and drive around in a Prius when a Prius has the biggest carbon footprint of most cars built!
The precious metals that used to construct the batteries support the African genocide.
I may be GREEN but I am reasonable.

Just Sold 05-31-2012 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by BroadHopper (Post 183006)
Funny they think they can be so snobby and drive around in a Prius when a Prius has the biggest carbon footprint of most cars built!
The precious metals that used to construct the batteries support the African genocide.
I may be GREEN but I am reasonable.

All of the major countries entered into an agreement to not buy "Conflict Metals" almost 2 years ago from countries like the Congo and others. I know as I sell products that contain these metals. One metal was tin and the price skyrocketed when this happened but has been going down right now.

dragonfly03246 06-01-2012 08:03 AM

Laconia Recycling
Laconia also uses Single Stream Recycling, there is bi-weekly pickup and there are also receptacles places around the city that you can bring your recycling to.

Behind Lakeport Fire Station, Behind the old Public Works garage on Messer Street, Weirs Beach Community Center and the Transfer Station.

They only ask that if you are using trash bags to open them and dump the contents and then throw the trash bag away in the conveniently placed garbage cans next to each receptacle.

It's amazing how much "trash" you actually have when you start recycling. We had almost a bag a day and now we have maybe two bags a week!

lawn psycho 06-01-2012 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by IslandRadio (Post 182977)
I can see the headline now: A Belmont Resident was arrested for illegally recycling New Hampshire bottles in Maine. A Maine state police spokesman told reporters "We mobilized our BFIU (Bottle Fraud Investigative Unit). We've been tracking New Hampshire bottles for several years, trying to locate the source." . . . Extradition proceedings are underway. :D:D:D:D:D

Seriously, I'm sure there's some spill-over of New Hampshire bottles to Maine, but the whole thing really does have more than an element of humor!

There is a different stamp on cans from Maine. Trust me, you can just look at the can and tell. I tend to doubt any large quantity of cans from BR are being cashed in as the attendants can easily pick them out as not from Maine.

Buy a can or bottle in Maine and NH and you'll see the Maine stuff has a slightly different stamp even though the NH cans have a ME deposit mark. Youll also see NH Poland spring bottles with red outline around the UPC area that makes it plain as day it's from NH.

They may miss a couple stray ones tossed in but if you go with bag fulls of NH cans they'll turn you away. We buy our cans in NH whenever we can as the hassle of returning them for the five cent deposit is a pita and most towns font have easy access to recycling. Trust me you don't want the 5 cent tax, err, deposit added. We go through a lot of water bottles and it adds up quickly.

GTO 06-01-2012 09:25 AM

Nashua Recycles

Originally Posted by NoBozo (Post 182938)
You CAN'T make this up:

In Rhode Island we just got a notice Today from ""

Quote: "It's OK to MIX all your Recyclables Together". ....That means cans, bottles, plastics, aluminum, cardboard, newsprint, magazines, ..."MIX it Up..And don't worry..mixing is a good thing! Our new recycling facility will do the rest. Disregard the numbers and the triangles". ............I am not making this up.

MIX: As an Engineer, I know you can't recycle cardboard combined with plastic...OR glass...OR aluminum....Yada Yada....NO MIX...

Maybe there is a Green Person with some Engineering background that can explain this to me...........How do you MIX aluminum with Cardboard..?? .:look: :look: :look: NAH: There is No Such Thing. Ticked OFF at this BS...?? YES ...TOTALLY. NB

We used to have to seperate everything in Nashua for roadside pickup, now we combine everything. It makes it alot easier for us as we no longer have a seperate bin for paper, a bin for bottles, a bin for cans, etcs. I bet more people recycle more now because of this. I watched a show on tv about some recycle plant. everything goes on a large conveyor and gets seperated. Quite an impressive operation

mcdude 06-01-2012 09:32 AM

Using the lake as an ashtray is just plain wrong BUT Isn't the boat exhaust from SOME boats doing a lot more to pollute the water and atmosphere than any litterer ever thought of doing? Not meaning to start a's just a simple question.

RailroadJoe 06-01-2012 02:18 PM

mcdude Ever notice the color of the rocks at the Alton Bay swim area and boat launch?

GM doc 06-01-2012 09:15 PM

This discussion is just dumb. Everyone here (on this fourm) litters , But it's ok in your own sence.

Belmont Resident 06-02-2012 05:39 AM


Originally Posted by lawn psycho (Post 183051)
There is a different stamp on cans from Maine. Trust me, you can just look at the can and tell. I tend to doubt any large quantity of cans from BR are being cashed in as the attendants can easily pick them out as not from Maine.

Buy a can or bottle in Maine and NH and you'll see the Maine stuff has a slightly different stamp even though the NH cans have a ME deposit mark. Youll also see NH Poland spring bottles with red outline around the UPC area that makes it plain as day it's from NH.

They may miss a couple stray ones tossed in but if you go with bag fulls of NH cans they'll turn you away. We buy our cans in NH whenever we can as the hassle of returning them for the five cent deposit is a pita and most towns font have easy access to recycling. Trust me you don't want the 5 cent tax, err, deposit added. We go through a lot of water bottles and it adds up quickly.

The girls in work all drink bottled water and rather then throw them out my wife brings home trash bags of bottles as the fill up.
We buy Vitamin water; Mike’s lemonade, Sam Addams etc., here in NH and all are returned to the refund station when we go up.
We don’t do it by the thousands but generally 20-30 dollars worth at a time. There is some Maine bought beers as well. The attendant does know we bring them up from NH and has no problem with taking them because there is no law against it. It is frowned on but given the little these people make off taking in the bottles and the fact they are mixed in with thousands of Maine bottles and cans I doubt he really cares.
As far as I’m concerned if it has a stamp on it that says ME then I’m doing nothing illegal.
Another reason why I believe it should be federal and incorporated into all states, most states that have a refund also have a lot less bottles and cans along their roadways.

BroadHopper 06-02-2012 07:40 AM

NH cans
My grandkids in NH been collecting bottles/cans for years. When they vacation in Maine, my daughter would cash them in. They never question her. I will let her know that the bottles from Maine are stamped.

RailroadJoe 06-02-2012 08:40 AM

GM doc I for one do not litter ever since I gave up smoking. There is a plastic bag (thanks to Walmart and grocery stores) in both cars for trash. Nothing is ever thrown out of my cars, nor dumped on the street or anywhere else. There are some, so I take it you must litter.

GM doc 06-02-2012 07:36 PM

You sure do.

Originally Posted by RailroadJoe (Post 183127)
GM doc I for one do not litter ever since I gave up smoking. There is a plastic bag (thanks to Walmart and grocery stores) in both cars for trash. Nothing is ever thrown out of my cars, nor dumped on the street or anywhere else. There are some, so I take it you must litter.

So I take it that you do not drive a car that has tires? tire rubber that wears off is "trash" correct? No rust falling off of your car? Never had a hole in your pocket either I take it. Many more ways that YOU litter everyday, as does everyone on this earth.
Denial is VERY common among "perfect people".

NH_boater 06-02-2012 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by GM doc (Post 183107)
This discussion is just dumb. Everyone here (on this fourm) litters , But it's ok in your own sence.

Care to explain why you believe that everyone here litters?

Belmont Resident 06-03-2012 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by NH_boater (Post 183183)
Care to explain why you believe that everyone here litters?

Not once in the almost 20 years using the lake have I ever placed or allowed anything to go into the lake from mine or any other boat boat.
I have on many occasions taken things out of the lake that have either blown out or been thrown out of boats.
NOTE; peeing in the lake does not count :laugh: guilty as charged on that :eek:

lawn psycho 06-03-2012 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183114)
The girls in work all drink bottled water and rather then throw them out my wife brings home trash bags of bottles as the fill up.
We buy Vitamin water; Mike’s lemonade, Sam Addams etc., here in NH and all are returned to the refund station when we go up.
We don’t do it by the thousands but generally 20-30 dollars worth at a time. There is some Maine bought beers as well. The attendant does know we bring them up from NH and has no problem with taking them because there is no law against it. It is frowned on but given the little these people make off taking in the bottles and the fact they are mixed in with thousands of Maine bottles and cans I doubt he really cares.
As far as I’m concerned if it has a stamp on it that says ME then I’m doing nothing illegal.
Another reason why I believe it should be federal and incorporated into all states, most states that have a refund also have a lot less bottles and cans along their roadways.

Sorry but what you and the redemption center are doing is 100 percent illegal. Like I said buy a bottle or can and compare it to one from NH and you'll have no problem seeing the difference. You're rationalizing but doesn't make it any less illegal.

And I'll be showing this to the proper agency so they can spot check ;)

IslandRadio 06-03-2012 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183199)
NOTE; peeing in the lake does not count :laugh: guilty as charged on that :eek:

Now every time I take a shower or cook something in Lake water, I'm going to end up thinking about that :rolleye2: ;) :D

SAMIAM 06-03-2012 07:32 AM

I don't think there is much littering among people who live and work around the lakes. Actually, many of us pick after the few who do neighbor and I hit both sides of the road(about a mile) every spring after the snowbanks have melted. Mostly Bud bottles & and cans plus Mikes Hard Lemonade which seems to be a favorite of ice fisherman. But, at least, they dump them in the road where we can get them and not in the lake.

Belmont Resident 06-03-2012 11:35 AM


Originally Posted by IslandRadio (Post 183205)
Now every time I take a shower or cook something in Lake water, I'm going to end up thinking about that :rolleye2: ;) :D

If it is any consolation I usually drink good beer. :D :eek:
Be thankful you don’t live or summer over near Braun Bay, that place has got to be like a sewer. :eek:
No inflow or outflow of water, how many hundreds of people. :cool:

secondcurve 06-03-2012 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 183206)
I don't think there is much littering among people who live and work around the lakes. Actually, many of us pick after the few who do neighbor and I hit both sides of the road(about a mile) every spring after the snowbanks have melted. Mostly Bud bottles & and cans plus Mikes Hard Lemonade which seems to be a favorite of ice fisherman. But, at least, they dump them in the road where we can get them and not in the lake.

Sam: I take offense with your insinuation that the folks who litter are from away. This type of generalization is ignorant. I wouldn't expect such a comment from a guy who makes a portion of his living by serving the needs of tourist. By the way, I also walk the roads and pick-up trash a couple times a year and I don't live or work in the lakes region.

P-3 Guy 06-04-2012 08:45 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183114)
The girls in work all drink bottled water and rather then throw them out my wife brings home trash bags of bottles as the fill up.
We buy Vitamin water; Mike’s lemonade, Sam Addams etc., here in NH and all are returned to the refund station when we go up.
We don’t do it by the thousands but generally 20-30 dollars worth at a time. There is some Maine bought beers as well. The attendant does know we bring them up from NH and has no problem with taking them because there is no law against it. It is frowned on but given the little these people make off taking in the bottles and the fact they are mixed in with thousands of Maine bottles and cans I doubt he really cares.
As far as I’m concerned if it has a stamp on it that says ME then I’m doing nothing illegal.
Another reason why I believe it should be federal and incorporated into all states, most states that have a refund also have a lot less bottles and cans along their roadways.

There is a law against it, and what you are doing is illegal. From the Maine beverage container law (MRSA Title 32, Section 1866):

"At each location where customers tender containers for redemption, dealers and redemption centers must conspicuously display a sign in letters that are at least one inch in height with the following information:

WARNING: Persons tendering containers for redemption that were not originally purchased in this State may be subject to a fine of the greater of $100 per container or $25,000 for each tender. (32 MRSA Section 1866).

A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is subject to a civil penalty of the greater of $100 for each container or $25,000 for each tender of containers."

LakeSnake 06-04-2012 11:44 AM

Really - its a major crime to drop a cigarette butt in the lake but it's totaly OK to dump raw sewage into the lake (pee). Oh and its OK to commit bottle redemption fraud to as long as I don't read a sign.

I was wondering what was wrong with the world these days, but now that I have my answer I think I will go home now.

Perhaps we should change the name of this site from the Winni forum to the Whiney forum.


songkrai 06-04-2012 01:11 PM

This has gone from one cigarette butt to Maine bottle redemption laws to just plain whining about "out of staters".

It's "us" against "them".

On a casual note. When I was a youngin' I used to take/bring the bottles and cans from NH to MA and cash them in for spending money.

And I have been known to clean my smokers pipe on a public park bench!

Wait, I can here the sirens as I still type this ! The horror !

SAMIAM 06-04-2012 03:38 PM


Originally Posted by secondcurve (Post 183224)
Sam: I take offense with your insinuation that the folks who litter are from away. This type of generalization is ignorant. I wouldn't expect such a comment from a guy who makes a portion of his living by serving the needs of tourist. By the way, I also walk the roads and pick-up trash a couple times a year and I don't live or work in the lakes region.

Don't know why you're so offended,secondcurve.I never said that tourists were littering,I said that I don't believe that people who live and work on the lake do much littering and I stand by that statement.
Actually,tourists probably do less littering than any other group because they appreciate the beauty of the area.

BroadHopper 06-04-2012 03:49 PM

I have to agree in part

Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 183287)
Don't know why you're so offended,secondcurve.I never said that tourists were littering,I said that I don't believe that people who live and work on the lake do much littering and I stand by that statement.
Actually,tourists probably do less littering than any other group because they appreciate the beauty of the area.

Visit the Weirs or Hampton beach at sunset. You would be amaze at the debris you will find on the beach. I witness a young woman bury dirty diapers in the sand!

I also notice a lot of littering at national and state forest campgrounds. A ranger told me they spend a lot of time and money picking up litter.

I don't think tourists should be immune.

beaner 06-04-2012 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by RailroadJoe (Post 183127)
GM doc I for one do not litter ever since I gave up smoking. There is a plastic bag (thanks to Walmart and grocery stores) in both cars for trash. Nothing is ever thrown out of my cars, nor dumped on the street or anywhere else. There are some, so I take it you must litter.

Railroad Joe, I wonder if you could clarify.

Do you mean that when you gave up smoking you also stopped throwing other trash out your car window, dumping it on the street, etc.?

Or are you saying that, back when you smoked, the only thing you ever disposed of in this way was cigarette butts? And if that's the case, was it because you didn't really consider cigarette butts to be trash, or was there another reason?

I'm trying to understand the thought process of a (former) smoker.

RailroadJoe 06-04-2012 05:05 PM

Only threw out the cigarette butts. Never anything bigger. I will say that smokers are the most obnoxious people, if I can compare them to what I was like as a smoker.
A lot of highway trash can be attributed pickup trucks with trash in back. Saw quite a few of those on the highways.
Any other questions? Hope this helps.

Belmont Resident 06-04-2012 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 183256)
There is a law against it, and what you are doing is illegal. From the Maine beverage container law (MRSA Title 32, Section 1866):

"At each location where customers tender containers for redemption, dealers and redemption centers must conspicuously display a sign in letters that are at least one inch in height with the following information:

WARNING: Persons tendering containers for redemption that were not originally purchased in this State may be subject to a fine of the greater of $100 per container or $25,000 for each tender. (32 MRSA Section 1866).

A person who violates the provisions of this subsection is subject to a civil penalty of the greater of $100 for each container or $25,000 for each tender of containers."

The name says it all, To Much Information. :eek:
Leave your goody 2 shoes at home. :D

P-3 Guy 06-04-2012 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183302)
The name says it all, To Much Information. :eek:
Leave your goody 2 shoes at home. :D

Slow your roll, BR. I never made any comment on what I personally thought about your practice of returning New Hampshire purchased beverage containers in Maine for the deposit money. I am simply correcting your erroneous assertion that what you are doing is perfectly legal. It's not. Now, what you do with that information is up to you.

Greene's Basin Girl 06-05-2012 12:40 AM


Originally Posted by SAMIAM (Post 183287)
Don't know why you're so offended,secondcurve.I never said that tourists were littering,I said that I don't believe that people who live and work on the lake do much littering and I stand by that statement.
Actually,tourists probably do less littering than any other group because they appreciate the beauty of the area.

Believe me- locals appreciate the area also. That is why I live here year round.

Belmont Resident 06-05-2012 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 183315)
Slow your roll, BR. I never made any comment on what I personally thought about your practice of returning New Hampshire purchased beverage containers in Maine for the deposit money. I am simply correcting your erroneous assertion that what you are doing is perfectly legal. It's not. Now, what you do with that information is up to you.

Sorry I see what I do as agood thing. Otherwise they would go out with the trash.
Once again I wish ALL states had a bottle refund policy, I believe it would go a long way to keeping bottles and cans off the sides of the roads. Even if they were disposed of on the roads there are always people willing to walk the roads for bottles and cans to return.

P-3 Guy 06-05-2012 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183330)
Sorry I see what I do as agood thing. Otherwise they would go out with the trash.
Once again I wish ALL states had a bottle refund policy, I believe it would go a long way to keeping bottles and cans off the sides of the roads. Even if they were disposed of on the roads there are always people willing to walk the roads for bottles and cans to return.

You can still recycle the cans and bottles and not be in violation of Maine law; just recycle them in New Hampshire. You won't get a nickel for each one, but then again you didn't PAY a nickel extra for each one when they were purchased. And recycling them at home will be a lot more convenient then hauling them to Maine. Plus, you won't be breaking any laws.

Like you, I wish that all states had a bottle redemption law. They really make a difference in keeping bottles and cans from being tossed wherever.

Belmont Resident 06-05-2012 11:28 AM

most are not ours

Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 183336)
You can still recycle the cans and bottles and not be in violation of Maine law; just recycle them in New Hampshire. You won't get a nickel for each one, but then again you didn't PAY a nickel extra for each one when they were purchased. And recycling them at home will be a lot more convenient then hauling them to Maine. Plus, you won't be breaking any laws.

Like you, I wish that all states had a bottle redemption law. They really make a difference in keeping bottles and cans from being tossed wherever.

My wife collects them at work and brings them home.
Unfortunately in Belmont I have to drive clear to the other side of town almost to Tilton to recycle. So we just throw out the none returnables.:(

P-3 Guy 06-05-2012 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183356)
My wife collects them at work and brings them home.
Unfortunately in Belmont I have to drive clear to the other side of town almost to Tilton to recycle. So we just throw out the none returnables.:(

So when the incentive is being good to the environemt plus $20, you'll collect, bag and haul to Maine 400 bottles and cans, but when the incentive is only being good to the environment, you can't be bothered to drive across town?:confused:

Sorry, but I don't get it.

Belmont Resident 06-05-2012 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 183369)
So when the incentive is being good to the environemt plus $20, you'll collect, bag and haul to Maine 400 bottles and cans, but when the incentive is only being good to the environment, you can't be bothered to drive across town?:confused:

Sorry, but I don't get it.

I'm already going to Maine and just accumulate until then or take a few at a time.
Driving across town is time about an hour & money out of my pocket for gas.
Childish, maybe but being I have very little time to myself I just chose not to be bothered. No it isn't right in some peoples eyes but I sleep well anyways.
Ok I'm done.;)

P-3 Guy 06-05-2012 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by Belmont Resident (Post 183370)
I'm already going to Maine and just accumulate until then or take a few at a time.
Driving across town is time about an hour & money out of my pocket for gas.
Childish, maybe but being I have very little time to myself I just chose not to be bothered. No it isn't right in some peoples eyes but I sleep well anyways.
Ok I'm done.;)

You said earlier that you generally do 20 to 30 dollars worth at a time. That's 400 to 600 bottles and cans; more than just "a few at a time." Think of 16 to 25 cases of soda or beer; that takes up a lot of room.

The point is that your home town provides facilities for the recycling of bottles and cans, but for $20 a pop you're willing to haul the containers to Maine and break the law.

I understand that the realization that what you've been doing is illegal may be uncomfortable, but there are reasons other than the almighty dollar to make an effort to recycle.

secondcurve 06-05-2012 06:03 PM


Originally Posted by TMI Guy (Post 183380)
You said earlier that you generally do 20 to 30 dollars worth at a time. That's 400 to 600 bottles and cans; more than just "a few at a time." Think of 16 to 25 cases of soda or beer; that takes up a lot of room.

The point is that your home town provides facilities for the recycling of bottles and cans, but for $20 a pop you're willing to haul the containers to Maine and break the law.

I understand that the realization that what you've been doing is illegal may be uncomfortable, but there are reasons other than the almighty dollar to make an effort to recycle.

TMI: Don't waste your time......reasoning with this Belmont Resident isn't worth the effort.

RailroadJoe 06-06-2012 05:02 AM

Time to change the post to "nickel can deposit". Nothing to do with butts in Wolfeboro

lawn psycho 06-06-2012 07:51 AM

Actually there have been thoughts to put deposits on cigarette butts. I'd be 100% behind that too.

NH_boater 07-18-2012 04:28 PM

I was at W Alton sandbar when a blue regal (I also have the bow numbers) filled with guys proceeded to light up their cigars and smoke them. I happen to dislike this but, whatever. What surprised me though is when they finished smoking them, at least some of them just tossed the cigars into the water in the middle of the sandbar. There was a serious breeze and gathering them up was not a practical option. I chose not to confront them but this behavior is disgusting and disrespectful to the lake and everyone who uses it.

I realize that smokers do this all the time, but this was pretty blatant. Just throw this crap in the water in the middle of the sandbar and keep talking like we all wanted to enjoy your soggy stogie for days to come.

I am sure this is nice for the kids who get to find this turd floating up to their faces while they try to enjoy the lake.

Thanks guys, at least you looked cool:rolleye2:

jrc 07-18-2012 06:20 PM

it's OK, it's biodegradable!

(just a joke)

ChocolateGypsy 07-25-2012 06:32 PM

Many people don't realize what they're doing is offensive/illegal/littering/etc. A simple corrective comment is often enough to put otherwise responsible people on the right path w/o making an issue over it.

But I believe this passive aggressive cleaning up after everyone has to stop. We're already paying child support for deadbeat dads. Now you're picking up their cigarette butts and beer cans too??

SIKSUKR 07-26-2012 08:22 AM

Pretty sure there are deadbeat moms I'm paying for too.I've seen many of them throwing their butts and beer cans on the ground also right here on my property.Dirtballs know no gender.

VitaBene 07-26-2012 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by ChocolateGypsy (Post 187509)
Many people don't realize what they're doing is offensive/illegal/littering/etc. A simple corrective comment is often enough to put otherwise responsible people on the right path w/o making an issue over it.

But I believe this passive aggressive cleaning up after everyone has to stop. We're already paying child support for deadbeat dads. Now you're picking up their cigarette butts and beer cans too??

I have been known to pick up after slobs... and promptly deposit their trash back in their vehicle:)

NonVoting Taxpayer 07-26-2012 12:46 PM

Maybe if the state would stop the $1.68 per pack tax, they wouldn't get the butts back

livenh 07-26-2012 12:58 PM

Smokers don't seem to get it, do they? In Maine this past weekend, someone started a fire in the mulch at the local Hannaford's. We were at the light when the firetruck arrived. It was caught early.

People are constantly tossing butts in my drive (route 11). Keep 'em in your car until you get home. You don't need to share!

I see people driving with babies, windows rolled up, so that poor infant is breathing in the fumes. Child abuse? In my book it is.

I could go on and on as I'm sure most of us could. But it does no good.

ChocolateGypsy 07-27-2012 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by SIKSUKR (Post 187534)
Pretty sure there are deadbeat moms I'm paying for too.I've seen many of them throwing their butts and beer cans on the ground also right here on my property.Dirtballs know no gender.

I didn't mean to appear sexist, but I know what you mean.

secondcurve 07-27-2012 05:35 AM


Originally Posted by NH_boater (Post 186887)
I was at W Alton sandbar when a blue regal (I also have the bow numbers) filled with guys proceeded to light up their cigars and smoke them. I happen to dislike this but, whatever. What surprised me though is when they finished smoking them, at least some of them just tossed the cigars into the water in the middle of the sandbar. There was a serious breeze and gathering them up was not a practical option. I chose not to confront them but this behavior is disgusting and disrespectful to the lake and everyone who uses it.

I realize that smokers do this all the time, but this was pretty blatant. Just throw this crap in the water in the middle of the sandbar and keep talking like we all wanted to enjoy your soggy stogie for days to come.

I am sure this is nice for the kids who get to find this turd floating up to their faces while they try to enjoy the lake.

Thanks guys, at least you looked cool:rolleye2:

I agree this was poor behavior. However, since cigars don't have filters they eventually breakdown.

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